Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
So I had this encounter with the customer support
So I would like to hear the community's thoughts on this. Please let me know if I'm in the wrong.
What bothers me is not even basically having bought the same product twice, it is the amount of "screw you, I don't care" vibes I'm getting from the customer support.
I have worked in retail before. Never would it have happened that we let someone wait for 2 years for a reply, just to say "lol, it's too long ago"
Please excuse the bad formating, as this is from gmail and the sorting there is pretty weirdly split, so I had to screenshot the single messages and sort them by hand.
So I would like to hear the community's thoughts on this. Please let me know if I'm in the wrong.
What bothers me is not even basically having bought the same product twice, it is the amount of "screw you, I don't care" vibes I'm getting from the customer support.
I have worked in retail before. Never would it have happened that we let someone wait for 2 years for a reply, just to say "lol, it's too long ago"
Please excuse the bad formating, as this is from gmail and the sorting there is pretty weirdly split, so I had to screenshot the single messages and sort them by hand.
My experience with customer support throughout most of Fall/Winter 2018/19 was patchy at best too. My password reset was literally Ih8teu, which seems more suggestive than perhaps it was meant to be, but this was in response to me pointing out I could 'still' not log in every time I saw a FB update.
In short, I am sorry for your double billing. Maybe you can sell your package? I'm not sure what the rules on that is or if you can talk about it on the forums.
Good luck!
I worked as a customer service guy myself and let me tell you, such things slip through the gaps faster then water xD
We helpdesk guys (normally) need a lot of reminders to show the superiors, especially if it needs the help of a dev member to solve.
(Ofc i was not working for IS, but helpdesk is normally the same everywhere trust me)
I could see that maybe she doesn't have the authority to do so. But someonein there for sure can.
I don't want to be a Karen and drop the "Let me talk to your manager" though
I worked in customer service before for certain warehouses and cellphone providers.
Not always could we do exactly what the customer wanted, due to technical reasons or whatever, but we would at least try to accomodate somehow.
Punishing me, the customer, for ignoring my ticket for 2 years seems ridiculous.
If that would ever have happened to any of our customers when I was working in retail, we better accomodate to that person instead of refusing service for... too much time having passed (?)
"Come up with something, this is someone who paid hundreds of EUR in advance for a service they have not even received yet, because they placed their trust in you and there is nothing you can come up with to at least try accomodating to that person?
Paying 300 EUR for exclusive items while wanting the A2 access (which I received after upgrading myself, since your customer service refused to assist with this incident for 2 years) is not very pleasant at all.
I'm seriously disappointed."
Is what I wrote in my final mail. And that's seriously how I am feeling right now.
Shit happens and I'm not even upset about having paid double. What upsets me even more is the "I don't care lul" vibe I'm receiving from the customer support. I'm basically talking to a wall, they are not even trying to come up with something to accomodate to me.
It's common knowledge AND widely known you could update KS packages. I was aware you could do so just after Kickstarter ended.
I won't hold you accountable for knowing something you didn't know, but I will hold you accountable for not finding out before buying a whole new package. This question was asked hourly on the Discord for a while.
This is basically like buying a TV, and then buying a new better TV but never seeing if you could use that money to just upgrade your first TV. Then holding the company responsible for your ignorance and getting upset when they won't bail you out.
The only thing that isn't your fault is the extreme amount of time it took them to respond to your ticket. A ticket you needed because you didn't bother to understand what you bought in the first place.
I'm also unsure why you decided to try and solve your problem by purchasing yet another pack/upgrade, but that's neither here nor there at this point.
Fact of the matter is, you probably should have asked a question or two before you bought that second pack.100% your fault getting into this mess.
The slow response is in part due to the fact hundreds of other people have made the same blunder as you. So don't feel so bad. You're not alone. Plenty of people couldn't be bothered as well.
However, in their refund policy it clearly states that I can refund a package within 30 days of the purchase.
I did ask them to either credit towards an upgrade or refund the PAX package I bought 3 days after the purchase (purchased on Oct 15, ticket opened on Oct 17, time zones not considered).
I did upgrade it myself - 3 months after, in January 2018. That's when I had already followed up twice and received 2 responses telling me they will "come back to me".
All I want is for them to do what clearly is partof their policy: Refund me something I purchased on Oct 15 and that I wanted refunded on Oct 17 2017.
Telling me now - after ignoring my request for 2 years - that the time passed is to long is ridiculous, regardless of anything else, don't you agree? It's clearly not my fault it took them 2 years. I wanted it refunded 3 days after.
I thought about that too, but I wouldn't know whom I can contact.
There is no other way than the customer support e-mail provided, is there?
Maybe @LieutenantToast can recommend what to do.
Virtue is the only good.
Intrepid are only offering refunds because legally they have to, ie, consumer law gives a 30 day 'change of mind' on digital goods / distance purchasing etc etc.
If you asked for that refund within 30 days, they have to give it, they don't actually have a choice in the matter.
My concern would be, how, short of taking them to court to get them to force them to reveal this information, can you prove the date the ticket was initially raised?
Your reddit thread post only has date/month, not date/month/year that I can see.
Screening a copy of any year date proof you can give as to the refund request here, should straighten things up with them swiftly. However, good luck with that, the ticketing system all got changed with the migration.
I believe that all of the community should stand behind you with this one. The very best of luck!
Sorry to say but based upon my experience that won't work - Intrepid are very much a 'top down' company.
The policy is dictated by one Individual, and that's what everyone has to adhere to / try to make happen.
My own tedious experience:
I'm not stupid, seeming to attack them would only ever result in the drawbridge being raised.
So having no choice I went back and requested the refund based on the actual reason that I couldn't stand the game anymore:
That they had lied about something vital.
Refund denied by none other than Steven himself.
Word play and semantics to redefine their own actions in light of the disparity between said/did.
They then refusing to engage with me in further discussion of the situation.
They had a choice to engage with me and clear up the situation, they choose not to, they had a choice to quietly let it all slide, they.... just appear to want/need your money above all else.
I do strongly feel that I have reasonable grounds for taking them to court... but I quite like being able to see and be as healthy as I can... stress triggers old nerve scarring / damage to be inflamed, causing Oscilopscia and nystagmus at them least.
So yeah, not worth it for me.
If anyone else wants to though, I'm happy to chat / offer support as far as I can.
Their actions imply that thy aren't interested in refunds except when forced by law....
... That your own personal reasons / circumstances don't bother them....
.... and that they would rather force you take them to court than to decide to take any stand themselves based on 'doing the RIGHT thing'..
They are just out for the cash. *shrugs* C'est la vie
You are right no refunds have been given by IS.
There are no such laws in the US. All returns and refunds are policy based at the company level. Consumer protection in the States is a joke to put it bluntly.
However you’re right that federal law doesn’t govern things like refunds. Most laws at the federal level are concerned with fraud rather than unfair transactions.
*shakes head sadly*
I'm surprised, I honestly thought that this was a universal now, it's definitely the state of affairs in the UK, but as I said, I''m no lawyer.
I am now however a massive IC (Intrepid cynic) and would then assume that they are only offering it because of the UK/ EU law and they intrepid don't want the USA player base to get upset that they can't do the same.
I'm so sorry if there isn't that same consumer right support in the USA.
It doesn't appear that this is the case though with @amievenreal99 and their situation. Sure some people ARE slime-sucking bottom feeders, but if the policy states 30 days, and the only thing that stopped getting a refund was Intrepids lack of urgency, then surely everyone here should be supportive of this being achieved?