Physical Copy of the game?

Hey there! Is there going to be a physical copy of this game when it releases or will it be completely digital? I ask because I like to collect physical copies of the games I play....just something I started doing a while back. Thanks!


  • HerdoHerdo Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    AoC will utilize the following monetarisation plan:
    • Monthly subscription (around $15 per month).
    • Cosmetic-only cash shop (skins, different prices).

    You don't have to purchase a base game.
    Therefore, no box - no box price - no physical copy.
  • @herdo thank you for that reply! That’s pretty awesome to know there’s no cost for the base game. Hopefully there’s some sort of artwork or something I can purchase in the future. Thanks again!
  • Lubby10 wrote: »
    @herdo thank you for that reply! That’s pretty awesome to know there’s no cost for the base game. Hopefully there’s some sort of artwork or something I can purchase in the future. Thanks again!

    Is it that you want to be able to buy physical merchandise? I know Star citizen sell some physical items to earn money. So maybe Intrepid will add it in the future since they are doing something similar. Try to Email Intrepid, just be patient to get a reply from Intrepid :)
  • ViymirViymir Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    On the old website Intrepid did have physical items for sale, caps, sweaters.etc. They were only available to US based participants although if memory serves me right Steven did say in the future they would want to look at being able to offer these in Europe/Worldwide. Since the new website the physical items are no longer in the shop.
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