Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Raid progression and picking the wrong server?
Hi there all!
I'm here looking for some clarification on how raiding and dungeons will work in Ashes of Creation. I've got a few questions regarding this so I'll list them out!
1. Will raids only be based on the node development of that server or will there be traditional style raids that persist in every server regardless of node progression?
2. If a guild is looking specifically to do endgame progression raiding, will they be punished for choosing a server that just doesn't progress nodes that open up these new dungeons and raids?
3. Will raiding be progression oriented and take a lot of time and coordination to complete or will they be easy and anyone can do it with little effort, or will there be multiple styles of raiding to appeal to both the casual players and the hardcore players?
4. Using World of Warcraft as an example, can we expect to see anything in the ways of a "Race to World first" for raiding content?
5. Will raid content be instanced specifically to your group, similar to games like Rift, WoW, Wildstar etc...
Raiding is very important in my decision to play an MMO or not and I don't think I'm the only one. What I'm specifically looking for in my raid content is something that hearkens back to the old style of WoW raiding. Thinking of the days of burning crusade and wrath of the Lich King where progressing in a raid was genuinely difficult and you didn't clear an entire raid in a week and killing a boss actually felt like an accomplishment. Can we expect to see this type of raid content in Ashes of creation?
Thank you all!
I'm here looking for some clarification on how raiding and dungeons will work in Ashes of Creation. I've got a few questions regarding this so I'll list them out!
1. Will raids only be based on the node development of that server or will there be traditional style raids that persist in every server regardless of node progression?
2. If a guild is looking specifically to do endgame progression raiding, will they be punished for choosing a server that just doesn't progress nodes that open up these new dungeons and raids?
3. Will raiding be progression oriented and take a lot of time and coordination to complete or will they be easy and anyone can do it with little effort, or will there be multiple styles of raiding to appeal to both the casual players and the hardcore players?
4. Using World of Warcraft as an example, can we expect to see anything in the ways of a "Race to World first" for raiding content?
5. Will raid content be instanced specifically to your group, similar to games like Rift, WoW, Wildstar etc...
Raiding is very important in my decision to play an MMO or not and I don't think I'm the only one. What I'm specifically looking for in my raid content is something that hearkens back to the old style of WoW raiding. Thinking of the days of burning crusade and wrath of the Lich King where progressing in a raid was genuinely difficult and you didn't clear an entire raid in a week and killing a boss actually felt like an accomplishment. Can we expect to see this type of raid content in Ashes of creation?
Thank you all!
2. Since node progression is purely by player choice and action it would be players "punishing" themselves. Don't expect to see step by step instructions on how to unlock specific content, it will be more luck and random, thus keeping with their "every server is different" philosophy.
3. See answer #1
4. They have said there will be in game achievements including world firsts. Whether they will have the "Race to World first" mechanic is unknown, but <SPECULATION> most likely not since no one knows when or how content opens. There is no set "ROCKY CANDY MOUNTAIN RAID OPENS at 8pm EST THUR" for people to plan around.
5. Again Intrepid has taken the throw everything out there answer to make the largest group of people happy while satisfying none. A mix of open world and instanced dungeons, raids, and world bosses has been stated. More open world than instanced was the last statement I saw.
To add to what unknownsystemerror has said, intrepid have said that they intend for the game to have raid content that only a single digit percentage of players will be able to defeat.
While other games may have achieved this, Ashes is the first game I know of to outright state that it is a design goal. This has me hopeful that it will have a solid top end raiding scene.
As to the questions about content being tied to node development - this may be an issue for mid range raid guilds, but top end guilds will likely have a jumber of players in positions where they can influence things greatly.