Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Few suggestions/requests

jwinnjwinn Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
edited 2019 25 in General Discussion
I just wanted to submit a couple QOL feature requests and also make a couple suggestions:

- The thunder sounds at the main screen are very loud and a bit too frequent. Can we have the option to disable without effecting other in game sounds?
- Melee pvp seems a bit too spammy at the moment, not requiring much skill. Not sure how to resolve without more thorough testing but one option would be to take a closer look at the blocking mechanic. Right now blocking does not seem to do much in the way of mitigating damage taken or stopping the other player from spam swinging their weapon.
- I get huge FPS drops in the beginning of the match when flying in on the griffon. Maybe scale back the animations/graphics to make a smoother transition from the lobby to the game map.
- On that same note, would be nice to see the beautiful map while flying high above it. It's a bit chaotic right now trying to get my bearings in the storm/cloud.
- Again, on the same note, any thoughts on having players start on some sort of "mothership" and jump off as it crosses the map? From there maybe fly in on the griffons. Similar to other BRs where you fly in on a plane, bus, etc. I think this opens things up a bit more to strategic play.

QOL Feature requests:
- A "practice mode" where we can test out all the weapons/abilities/keybinds, etc.
- Option to turn on performance stats in game (latency, fps, etc.)
- When picking up new armor, having the option to "switch" with currently worn armor pieces and dropping the old piece would be awesome.
- Allow us to bind mouse wheel (up/down) to a keybind.
- Could we get an always run feature?
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