Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Flying characters and characters jumping over huge obstacles/walls/mountains

Not sure if this is a bug, exploit, or balance issue.
Several players are observed to be using some kind of dash skill to traverse the map at unreasonable speeds (faster than sprinting, horse, or gryphon) and also using a similar skill to jump over/onto multi story buildings or large mountains. The skills in question are able to be spammed multiple times in rapid succession due to either low or non-existent cooldowns.
The dash skill propels the player many feet through the air in the direction of their cursor and seems to be usable 3+ times in rapid succession and has a clear/colorless distortion effect at the players feet applied upon use. It seems to require a melee weapon to use, but appeared to be usable with any melee weapon.
The jump skill allows the player to gain extreme vertical height rapidly and appears to be usable multiple times in rapid succession, allowing for the player to bypass high town walls/mountains/barriers. The observed jump skill has a blue particle effect when used.
Several players are observed to be using some kind of dash skill to traverse the map at unreasonable speeds (faster than sprinting, horse, or gryphon) and also using a similar skill to jump over/onto multi story buildings or large mountains. The skills in question are able to be spammed multiple times in rapid succession due to either low or non-existent cooldowns.
The dash skill propels the player many feet through the air in the direction of their cursor and seems to be usable 3+ times in rapid succession and has a clear/colorless distortion effect at the players feet applied upon use. It seems to require a melee weapon to use, but appeared to be usable with any melee weapon.
The jump skill allows the player to gain extreme vertical height rapidly and appears to be usable multiple times in rapid succession, allowing for the player to bypass high town walls/mountains/barriers. The observed jump skill has a blue particle effect when used.

"Performing a Lunge Attack while not in combat allows you to move your character forward on the ground or in the air without swinging your weapon. This can be performed multiple times in succession."
If its a feature it sounds like a balance issue then. The skill either needs a longer cooldown between/after uses, reduction in number of dashes, or a longer period of time that you are considered in combat after taking/dealing damage. As it is now you cant escape a person that is using it and they can get away from you very quickly allowing them to kite you to death.
ummm you can use it too to get away. this is working as they want it too, and as always been part of the game.
Ok, so thats cool and all, but part of why i backed this game is the whole Massive Multiplayer Siege Warfare thing with the whole defending of buildings and stuff... if you can simply fly over the highest walls with a few quick dashes or jumping straight up whats the point?
Yes, i realize that that Apocalypse is a completely different animal and theres no siege defense or anything like that as of yet, but my understanding is that this game mode was intended as a way to test their combat systems including balance, skills, weapons, and armor, among other things. Sure those skills look cool and are useful in this random free for all killing stuff, but they seem an unbalanced oversight.
More or less I agree with you. This would be unbalanced in any other game modes (maybe not in the horde mode). As I know the balance and skill testing are not the main focus in Apocalypse as in the MMO there will by hybrid combat system, not full action combat. We do not even have classes in BR mode.
I hope that in the castle defense mode this skill will be inactive or strongly reworked. For BR mode it is OK.