Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.

Feedback: shortbow, projectile distance, cooldowns, inventory UI, blocking, melee, corruption.

FreezmanFreezman Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
edited 2019 29 in General Discussion
Shortbow projectiles are impossible to see, it's too hard to adjust aim. Currently you simply have to grind it out and get a feel for it, still it's hard with varying distances of shots, speaking of which:

Projectiles disappear too early, if a player is being rendered then I should be able to shoot him with long range weapons. There's no indicator for when a player is too far away and it's too hard to get a feel for where the exact distance is because you have no feedback on whether you're missing or the projectile simply vanishes.

Add a timer to cooldowns on weapons and armor. At the very least make it a more obvious separation between up time and cooldown in regards to the current "clock ticking" effect on ability icons.

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, BRING BACK THE WORDS ON TOP OF ITEMS IN YOUR INVENTORY. If you have two sets of armor it’s too hard to keep track of what you have. Without opening the inventory, and the inventory managing systems locks out of movement so most experienced players opt to shuffle inventory by dropping and picking up items. No reason not to have it. Should also look into adding armor durability on pieces in your inventory so you know what's broken and what needs repair without having to equip it.

Melee combat is pretty one dimensional right now. Maybe it's because players are only getting accustomed to it, but the only things there are to do is spam left click or stop spamming left click and kite. Blocking is not used by almost anyone in any situation. The stamina drain is too punishing for the defender. Not only does it tick because you have the block up, it drains even more per landed hit, why ever use it? It's useful in squads but that's about it.

Corruption zone wall should be clearly see through, the fvx is too noisy, you can't play around it.

The same is true for the wand ability light effect, PLEASE change it. THIRTY SECONDS of you not being able to see in front of you is absolutely insane. It takes away agency from the player and that's just not good design.

Speaking of corruption, if you die in one of the last circles to corruption you will lose 2hp per tick and die VERY slowly, there should be an option to release if your teammate can't save you inside the corruption zone instead of just staring at yourself for like a minute or two.


  • LaviLavi Member, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    True that
  • CainCain Member
    longbows also take way too long to shoot. people basically get 3 dashes per shot making it very hard to do much with unless you catch them standing still healing. meanwhile not without its flaws but the shortbow is far better in nearly all situations
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