Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Concept art and finalized products

HjerimHjerim Member, Leader of Men, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
Hey Intrepid and you folks,

Every month we get a bunch of concept art; I must admit that I have been interested in a couple of them, but I have not bought a single one yet.

For me it seems like Intrepid is able to go from concept art to finalized product in a couple of weeks if not a month by now.

Many of the things that are showcased looks great and would have been something I would have bought if I had seen the finalized product instead of the concept art. ie the firework troll from a couple of months ago and the elk and lizard they showed today.

Why not just wait that extra month, or how long it takes, to make sure you can present the product that we are gonna buy rather than a sketch of it? Sure you can throw in the concept art with it too; perhaps even give the concept art as digital copies to buyers of the product, that would sweeten the deal.
You are gonna release cosmetics every month anyway, so why not earn a little bit more from it. I feel like I am not the only one with this feeling.

It is sad because Intrepid have won me over with many of the cosmetics they showed as finalized, but I can't buy them any more when they finally show the cosmetics in their full glory.

Do you guys agree?


  • unknownsystemerrorunknownsystemerror Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    You gotta have faith in the process. Many of us bought our packages when there wasn't even concept art, just names. And that faith has been rewarded years later. As to how much more money they might make, the Lord Sandal has spoken to this recently.
  • AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    As long as they don’t break another exclusivity promise by offering something again after stating it was a limited time thing on first offer. If that becomes a habit rather than a one-time mistake then you can list me as one of the people calling IS a scammer.

    (I’m not there yet.)
  • unknownsystemerrorunknownsystemerror Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    An upcoming change to that policy that will probably trigger some people is that once they eventually fix the cosmetic sales issues for EU and Russia that the previous cosmetics that were available for purchase will become available for purchase for a window of time again. As long as there is some safeguard in place that prevents people from transferring their account from NA to EU, buying things that they already had an opportunity to buy then transferring back to NA it shouldn't be too much of a shitshow. But if they leave in those account transfer loopholes I can see many people in the "you gotta have faith" crowd sharpening the tines on their pitchforks and dipping those torches in oil.
  • AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    An upcoming change to that policy that will probably trigger some people is that once they eventually fix the cosmetic sales issues for EU and Russia that the previous cosmetics that were available for purchase will become available for purchase for a window of time again. As long as there is some safeguard in place that prevents people from transferring their account from NA to EU, buying things that they already had an opportunity to buy then transferring back to NA it shouldn't be too much of a shitshow. But if they leave in those account transfer loopholes I can see many people in the "you gotta have faith" crowd sharpening the tines on their pitchforks and dipping those torches in oil.
    If they at least make an effort I’m okay. I don’t mind giving someone a chance if they couldn’t before due to a previous SNAFU. If they try to restrict those sales to EU/Russia thats enough for me.
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