How would your ideal day as a PVPer look like?

MarzzoMarzzo Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
Describe your perfect day as a pvp player. How would your routine be like? How would you like your day to be like?

Personally I would like to log in, work on my professions a bit. After that i want to inv my friends, do quests that expose me to other players i can fight, and then fight a bit on open world battlegrounds. I would like to have a duel area that people meet up to fight at, and then finally do some arenas or more preferably, siege that boring PVE guild dominated castle!


  • WololoWololo Member, Phoenix Initiative, Hero of the People, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Intresting question ! My perfect PvP day is to PK in open world for hours on end. With many variety in who is outnumbering and ppl calling theyr friends to drive home and log on quickly. 2 groups chasing and ganking eachothere around the map, Ending up in the most random places. There need to be ppl crying irl over losing gear, ragequiting, spying guild and voice chat, making drama with theyr friends. Man I love that chaos xd Just to keep fighting untill your name is dark red. It makes you find out who your real friends are if they step in and risk some gear to save you :smiley:
  • it would be after days or weeks of preparation with my guildies after plan all the aspect of the fight even know that it will never be how we expected but still working together with friends making something getting bigger and bigger that start with a simple idea for finally fight in an epic castle siege with all kind of tactical strategies working together during the battle field seeing your friends giving theyr 100% for it and still not getting it or destroying it is the same, is about a trip and improving skills as a guild knowing that all the ppl in the guild help in theyr way like gathering for ammo and gear, artisan crafting and stuff like that, and during all the preparation there is always random pvp fun or planed, every pvp fight is nice and fun for improve even if u get slow progresion that is how u master ur class and improve ur pvp skills so yeah, enjoy every second of pvp but with a purpose, pvp all day just bc i can is not my ideal pvp concept :)
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    1. Wake up and eat a fullfilling breakfast.
    2. Go to work and go home after.
    3. Start the game.
    4. Select character.
    5. *Rock music starts*
    6. Do daily tasks in game (craft a bit, look for dungeon groups, do guild activities etc)
    7. Go on a forraging expedition.
    8. Find players.
    9. Engage and massacre them without mercy.
    10. Find highlevel player
    11. *Rock music suddenly stops, Heavy Metal music starts*
    12. Fight for glory!
    13. Most likely die, because i am not that good in PvP.
    14. Craft some more with forraged materials.
    15. End game.
    16. Go to bed.
    17. Repeat.
  • i hope ashes will give me satisfaction in the open world pvp scene.

    I dont have to pvp 24h/day.. but encounter pvp while exploring/questing in the open world would be a wish come true.

    Meaningfull open world pvp.. rewards in killing someone. and not make it pvp just for lols

    I am kinda hoping for influence area's that are pointed out in the world in order to upgrade a node, that these area's will be fought over by multiple people.

    In AA you could hunt down traders to steal their packs.. that kinda stuff.

    If ashes only supples me with sieges... and no meaninfull openworld encounters. it will be fast end for me :(
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Wololo wrote: »
    Man I love that chaos
    Doesn't make for a very long lived game though.

  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    2-3 hour xp in a deep cave with 6-7 friends, with the proud icon of our guild beside our names.
    Chat to other people as they find their corner near our xp spot.
    Enemy guild comes along, we kill them and have a good laugh.
    Cherry on the top if we pick up sime rare drop (sword, gloves, helm etc etc)
  • VarkunVarkun Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    While I do love to pvp many of my guild mates are far more hardcore than I my hope is to curb that into the activities of AOC. I enjoy making gold, lots and lots of gold and my erstwhile guild mates will make excellent caravan guards. Fight as mercenaries for hire in any conflict that may arise, try to control one of the regional castles and increase our guilds influence.
    Close your eyes spread your arms and always trust your cape.
  • Undead CanuckUndead Canuck Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Go out, kill stuff, go home.
  • I usually like it when PvP has meaning. Otherwise it's like Tyrion's speech about his cousin Orson, there needs to be a meaning to PvP. Be it taking control of a farming zone, leveling zone, or something.
    Yes, wars may spur just because, that's the nature of humankind, but I want more meaning to PvP.
    The game I most pvped in open world was Perfect World, and it usually involved a farming place that was great to use with Scrolls for more XP.

    I want that, I want to join a battle because my friends need help while getting resources for our node!
  • Well perfect pvp day for me is making very few mistakes. If get killed cause I am out played then that is ok. But if I get killed cause of using defensive ability at wrong time or should of ran instead of playing to aggressive. Plus if let say I play against another player and it hapens to be same class and i learn something that I need to implement then I had a really good day.

    Also having good teamates that can do basic things like cc give out buffs at right moment is a huge positive impact.
  • xlangatangxxlangatangx Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited March 2020
    Wait at a starting zone. Stand at the portal until I see a character walk through that slightly resembles my ex-girlfriend. She no-showed me at prom, and I have unresolved anger issues toward her. I'm going to project all my problems onto that character and see if I can set a Verra record for highest corruption score.

    That player will not enjoy this game. Just like I didn't enjoy prom.
  • VentharienVentharien Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Definitely something large scale, and goal oriented, I kind of hate random skirmishes with no purpose in the open world. So most likely a siege, or big hit during a node war. The adrenaline rush from those kind of fights, and the crazyness after a win, those are the things i live for :smiley:
  • NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I on;y PvP when people try to rob my tomb

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
  • BotBot Member
    My ideal day would consist of
    • Random solo world pvp where I just mount up and travel around looking for a fight to warm up and start the day
    • Fun 1v1 and group arena pvp to climb the leaderboard since I'm warmed up
    • Spontaneous pvp stemming from caravans where everyone calls in backup and it erupts into a huge fight
    • Spontaneous guild war between two of the top guilds to prove who's better since everyone is already online after some trash talking stemming from that caravan fight
    • Something like a 50v50 pvp event like a node war or castle siege
    • A big brawl between multiple guilds stemming from trash talk following the pvp event

    Essentially I want there to be organized pvp that spawns random pvp as a result of egos clashing and trash talk happening while also having the ability to do my own thing and pvp solo if nothing is happening.
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