Glorious Alpha Two Testers!

Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here

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Learn how to visualize a characters power growth.

MarzzoMarzzo Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
I saw the latest livestream and you have done an amazing job with spell effects and everything in general. The movement of the characters looks a little clunky but otherwise I am impressed!

I would like to share some thoughts on something I hope you will think about when designing the finished classes and abilities.

In the Livestream, you were low level. But, the spells and effects used seemed like your characters where master warriors and fighters of insane power. I understand you probably wont have all those abilities in the finished game and you wanted to show these specific spells but do not forget to Visualize character power growth when leveling up.

By this I mean:
When your character is a low level mage, he or she is a novice. This Mage is not yet adept at using fireballs and spells at maximum capacity. This character is absolutly not ready to use large climate alterning AOE spells that reign destruction all around them.

As Novice (low level), the Mage might only be able to use basic spells like a fireball. But even this fireball, is not as bright, powerful and fast as a masters fireball. Somehow you need to visualize it as your character grows in strenght.

As the mage becomes more adept mid level), they should start being able to use their powers in more creative ways. AOE abilities, support abilities that are outside the box etc. But, they should also more effectivly use the basic abilities. You need to visualize all this.

When the mage becomes a master, everything should have masterclass. The mage should look and feel like a master. Remember before level 20 when you needed two trembling hands to cast a fireball? At level 50 your mage now fluently casts fireballs with one hand elegantly. Every important core spell of your class should progress in power as your character masters it. And without visualizing it, you miss an amazing opportunity.

Why this is important:
* It feels really amazing when you visualy see your character becoming better and better at using their core spells you spammed for hundreds of hours.
* It is very immersive and looks sexy as fuck (Also every single youtuber will praise you for this)
* It is really stupid that a novice mages fireball looks and feels exactly the same as a grandmaster mages fireball.
* It will support your character journey. You will remember the way your character used spell as a novice and be proud of the way he now casts his spells. You will also be reminded of your journey when you see lower level mages still needed two hands to cast a fireball.

How can this be implemented?
It depends on if you will have a spell rank system you unlock from trainers after certain levels or if your character ranks up their abilities naturally. The best way, is to learn the core spell from trainers and rank it up naturally while leveling. More powerful and impactful spells should be learned at later levels. Your signature/ace spell should be learned later more than sooner.

Your spell gets additional effects. At first the fireball is unstable and messy, but later it becomes more fluid and beautiful, more powerful. The way you cast it should also change. Clunky, trembling, exhausted casting slowly transitions to effective and elegant, effortless casting. Colors should change too. As the fire you create becomes hotter, its colors and effects should change.

Gameplay wise:
Higher ranks might become faster to cast or have larger or faster ticking AOE damage. Your teleport/movement speed spells might have longer range or speed. Your interupts may interrupt longer and go from longer cooldown to shorter cooldown.

You both need to manifest and visualize your characters power growth. You should feel and see your character going from a noob to master.


  • RavudhaRavudha Member
    Yeah it would be cool if the power of abilities was reflected in their visuals, but I get the feeling this falls under the category of 'costs too much and takes too much time'.

    I'd also happily take those spell effects at level 10 though. Spells in MMORPGs have always been so painfully toned down and nerfed compared to pen and paper RPGs.
  • LalliLalli Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
  • Undead CanuckUndead Canuck Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    In the livestream they did say that they had more than normal abilities (for the testing).
    Steven mentioned that a low level character would normally only have a few abilities. Since they were testing the systems, not the power progression of characters, they were 'overpowered' for the dungeon. We will (probably) see the progression testing in the Alphas.
  • Balrog21Balrog21 Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Love this idea.
  • MarzzoMarzzo Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Ravudha wrote: »
    Yeah it would be cool if the power of abilities was reflected in their visuals, but I get the feeling this falls under the category of 'costs too much and takes too much time'.

    I'd also happily take those spell effects at level 10 though. Spells in MMORPGs have always been so painfully toned down and nerfed compared to pen and paper RPGs.

    I also low some high quality a lot of effects spells, but I would prefer to work towards them instead of every spell since level 3 being over the top.
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    edited May 2020
    I really hope that the vfx will start out small and grow with the character level.
    It seems unrealistic that a lvl 1 scrub mage can throw around awesome magic vfx xD

    A lvl 1 mage throws a fireball that has only 1/10th of the max vfx particles, while a lvl 50 mage can throw a fireball with max vfx particels.

    Additionally: I hope that melee classes can get two kinds of effects.
    1. If they use magic, then let them leave behind trails of the elemts etc
    2. If they dont use magic, then replace the sparks etc with blood splatter effects and carved lines in the ground etc
  • Balrog21Balrog21 Member, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    I think it would be cool to be able to choose the color of your spells...or have the option to from a set color. I.e.
    Lightning blast - regularly whitish blue....options
    A. Bluish purple
    B. Blue with black highlights
    C. Stark white with light blue highlights.
    D. Regular
  • NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    Everyone knows the bigger the pauldrons the stronger you are

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    edited May 2020
    When it comes to melee warrior visualization of strength I'd like to see simple strikes and stuns.
    There is no need for bright colors and flashes.

    As the warrior becomes stronger, it would be nice to see more complex executions of swordsmanship, maybe a bit of jumping and other body functions. A ranged slash atk would also signify that this is not an average soldier.
    Warcries and shouts to buff or debuff. These progressive features show a rise of strength.

    Again, too many colors and flashes attached to every sword motion doesnt look good.

    Finally at the late levels I would like to see the melee warrior classes exhibit super human feats, like a strike that smashes the ground, whirlind blades that cause a tornado for a momment or two, a high jump.
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    edited May 2020
    Melee rogues as well could start with simple foul attacks, then progress to some short of shadow and smoke element attached to their moves, throwing knives or poisoning techniques and finally, at a higher level a rain of blows, a flurry of slashes and teleportation/mirage abilities.

    The rogue became a lethal assassin.
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha Two
    edited May 2020
    A bit off topic.
    When classes that are non magic based, like summoners or mages, it looks silly to have magic added to their toolkit.
    For example a warrior throwing a huge magic hammer in the middle of the fight, or summon 10 flying swords as their pet.
  • MarzzoMarzzo Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One, Alpha Two, Early Alpha Two
    A warrior, rogue or ranger would show their mastery by visualizing finess. Again, less effort, less wasted movements, less wasted energy on uneccesarry manouveres.

    Their combat would look more fluid and natural. Throw in some showoff moves in there and your set.
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