Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Interesting point of view, on MMORPG

Hello, Intrepid Dev. Team.
I decided top finally write you. I was not sure, on with way I should use, so I decided to stick to forum's.
Let me start with small introduction. My name is Andrew and in games you can find me under name Asag. I belive im quite an MMORPG enthusiasts. I play MMORPG games for almost two decades, so I think I have some ground on I can build my statements.
So let me jump to the point about I will be talking down bellow so we are in the same picture.
Few years ago I find out about Chinese Light Novel, that is focused on a story of a "Tank Class Player" of an MMORPG that is played by hundreds of milion players. (Yes ofc those numbers are crazy for this age and technology)
But, the principles are still the same, no matter if you play 20 years old MMO or you read about MMO that dont even exist.
Tittle of that novel:
" MMORPG: Rebirth of The Legendary Guardian "
* I hope someone from your team, would get a some time to read atleast first 20-30 chapters to get basic idea becouse its much better explained than what Im about to write down bellow.
Ok, so the introduction part is behind me, so lets get to the topic actually.
My dream for past few years, Is:
To find an MMORPG that looks good and your game fullfill that requirement
To find an MMORPG that is complex, hard, long term, and has content that is not for everyone. (let me explain)
I belive, that leveling is the most memorable part of the game for any player. We all remember our first character leveled to MAX, and I personaly belive that Levels should be extremly long term goal. Lot of developers make a mistake, that they focus on filling the world with random quests, monsters and dungeons just to simply get player to the MAX level, and than they focus on end game. But the truth is, players dont care that much about hunting monsters over and over when they already reached MAX level. I think developers should realise that making MMO should be extremly long jurney and characters should evolve with game as it goes, not to get to the end game, and than just wait for new balance patch to change a game little bit
Small example:
Game Settings - Start level 0 ___ Max Level 300 (These are just example numbers)
Progression (time spend in game):
Level 1 - 5 About 25-35 hours
Level 5-10 About 50-60 hours
Level 10-20 About 7 - day's
Level 20-50 About 3 Month's
Level 50-100 About 1 Year
Level 100-200 About 3 Year's
Level 200 - 300 should be around one level by one month
Yes, I know its extremly long, but Im sure that players would not mind, you will understand by reading more.
Dungeons should be norm, main source of equipment and chalange.
Dungeons should start from Level 5 and gradualy increase in difficulty and number of dungeons available.
Level 1 - 5 Should have 1 Dungeon, 3 difficulties
Level 5-10 Should have 2 Dungeons, 3 difficulties
Level 10-20 Should have 2 Dungeons each devided in 2-3 parts (lair one, lair two after claiming those, last lair is opened) all with 3 difficulties
Level 20-50 From Level 20 Raids should appear, dungeons should be norm. Still sticking with 3 difficulties for each
Level 50-100 Same idea ....
Level 100-200 Same idea....
Level 200 - 300 Same Idea...
Easy - Every player should be able to finish this dif. with random members, no voice chat.
Hard - Every party of people with basic strategy should be able to conqure it after few deaths and trials.
Nightmere - Created only for the most dedicated players, hard, deadly, one mistake could wipe whole team
Drops from Dungeons and Raids.
Easy - Tier 1 + Tier 2 items
Hard - Tier 3 + Tier 4 items
Nightmare - Tier 5 + Set items
* Players with items from Easy mode should have enough stats to kill Hard mode, same goes with Nightmare, where you would need FULL EQ from HARD mode, amazing skill, cooperation
* Reasons are simple, not every diff, should be cleared by 100% players, but not a single player should be left from entering and finishing content on lower diff.
Easy and Hard mode should be entered ANY TIME if you have your level requiriments (High level players should NOT be able to enter low dungeons)
Nightmare mode shoud be available only for 3 RUNS per 24 hours.
World Bosses
Simple, there should be many world bosses, with random spawns that are no lower that 24 hours.
Every world boss should be on Nightmare difficulty starting from level 5
Crafting, Auctuion House
Crafting and selling should be essential way of playing MMORPG games. I belive that resources as from mining to herbalism to skinning should be part of the game, but not essential that every single player have to gather.
Crafting should be primary for Armor, Weapons, and some type of consumables "Armor strengthening" Reparing armor and weapon (yes game should degrade armor/weapon stats so player have to REPAIR it) "Potions" and more.
Crafting of Armor and Weapon should NOT be 100% Succesfull unless your skill level is high enough. There should ALWAYS be a chance to FAIL, but at the same time, there should be a chance of "Double Craft on potions" or some kind of "Master Work" on Armor and Weapon with extremly low chance.
Ok thats all for now, It took me some time to write this. So If you are interested in more information, and ideas on Quests, story development, ecconomy of game etc,. let me know, and I will write more .
Dont forget to give a chance to " MMORPG: Rebirth of The Legendary Guardian "
I decided top finally write you. I was not sure, on with way I should use, so I decided to stick to forum's.
Let me start with small introduction. My name is Andrew and in games you can find me under name Asag. I belive im quite an MMORPG enthusiasts. I play MMORPG games for almost two decades, so I think I have some ground on I can build my statements.
So let me jump to the point about I will be talking down bellow so we are in the same picture.
Few years ago I find out about Chinese Light Novel, that is focused on a story of a "Tank Class Player" of an MMORPG that is played by hundreds of milion players. (Yes ofc those numbers are crazy for this age and technology)
But, the principles are still the same, no matter if you play 20 years old MMO or you read about MMO that dont even exist.
Tittle of that novel:
" MMORPG: Rebirth of The Legendary Guardian "
* I hope someone from your team, would get a some time to read atleast first 20-30 chapters to get basic idea becouse its much better explained than what Im about to write down bellow.
Ok, so the introduction part is behind me, so lets get to the topic actually.
My dream for past few years, Is:
To find an MMORPG that looks good and your game fullfill that requirement
To find an MMORPG that is complex, hard, long term, and has content that is not for everyone. (let me explain)
I belive, that leveling is the most memorable part of the game for any player. We all remember our first character leveled to MAX, and I personaly belive that Levels should be extremly long term goal. Lot of developers make a mistake, that they focus on filling the world with random quests, monsters and dungeons just to simply get player to the MAX level, and than they focus on end game. But the truth is, players dont care that much about hunting monsters over and over when they already reached MAX level. I think developers should realise that making MMO should be extremly long jurney and characters should evolve with game as it goes, not to get to the end game, and than just wait for new balance patch to change a game little bit
Small example:
Game Settings - Start level 0 ___ Max Level 300 (These are just example numbers)
Progression (time spend in game):
Level 1 - 5 About 25-35 hours
Level 5-10 About 50-60 hours
Level 10-20 About 7 - day's
Level 20-50 About 3 Month's
Level 50-100 About 1 Year
Level 100-200 About 3 Year's
Level 200 - 300 should be around one level by one month
Yes, I know its extremly long, but Im sure that players would not mind, you will understand by reading more.
Dungeons should be norm, main source of equipment and chalange.
Dungeons should start from Level 5 and gradualy increase in difficulty and number of dungeons available.
Level 1 - 5 Should have 1 Dungeon, 3 difficulties
Level 5-10 Should have 2 Dungeons, 3 difficulties
Level 10-20 Should have 2 Dungeons each devided in 2-3 parts (lair one, lair two after claiming those, last lair is opened) all with 3 difficulties
Level 20-50 From Level 20 Raids should appear, dungeons should be norm. Still sticking with 3 difficulties for each
Level 50-100 Same idea ....
Level 100-200 Same idea....
Level 200 - 300 Same Idea...
Easy - Every player should be able to finish this dif. with random members, no voice chat.
Hard - Every party of people with basic strategy should be able to conqure it after few deaths and trials.
Nightmere - Created only for the most dedicated players, hard, deadly, one mistake could wipe whole team
Drops from Dungeons and Raids.
Easy - Tier 1 + Tier 2 items
Hard - Tier 3 + Tier 4 items
Nightmare - Tier 5 + Set items
* Players with items from Easy mode should have enough stats to kill Hard mode, same goes with Nightmare, where you would need FULL EQ from HARD mode, amazing skill, cooperation
* Reasons are simple, not every diff, should be cleared by 100% players, but not a single player should be left from entering and finishing content on lower diff.
Easy and Hard mode should be entered ANY TIME if you have your level requiriments (High level players should NOT be able to enter low dungeons)
Nightmare mode shoud be available only for 3 RUNS per 24 hours.
World Bosses
Simple, there should be many world bosses, with random spawns that are no lower that 24 hours.
Every world boss should be on Nightmare difficulty starting from level 5
Crafting, Auctuion House
Crafting and selling should be essential way of playing MMORPG games. I belive that resources as from mining to herbalism to skinning should be part of the game, but not essential that every single player have to gather.
Crafting should be primary for Armor, Weapons, and some type of consumables "Armor strengthening" Reparing armor and weapon (yes game should degrade armor/weapon stats so player have to REPAIR it) "Potions" and more.
Crafting of Armor and Weapon should NOT be 100% Succesfull unless your skill level is high enough. There should ALWAYS be a chance to FAIL, but at the same time, there should be a chance of "Double Craft on potions" or some kind of "Master Work" on Armor and Weapon with extremly low chance.
Ok thats all for now, It took me some time to write this. So If you are interested in more information, and ideas on Quests, story development, ecconomy of game etc,. let me know, and I will write more .
Dont forget to give a chance to " MMORPG: Rebirth of The Legendary Guardian "

Simply put, this isn't going to be a Korean mmo. Excessively grindy features and rng "always a fail chance" features are primarily put in games to encourage p2w that skips the grind. This is not what Ashes is intended to promote.
The devs have mentioned that leveling will take time due to being gated by a developing world. Even if players attempt to grind they will only go so far. The highest level enemy around might be level 10 because the world is undeveloped and scaling is dependent on developing a node before players can progress. Previously it was said the devs wanted it to take around 45 days to reach max level. That could mean 45 days of play time totaling 1,080 hours played, or 45 server days after launch because its the expected time for a metropolis to be achieved and players can only reach max character level in the area around a max level node. We don't know which they intended by the statement and that target is subject to change.
Also, the crafting system is planned to be complex and specialized, but so far all information points to players either having the skill, knowledge, and materials required to craft something or not. No % chance to fail or succeed has been mentioned to my knowledge.
I certainly don't think it would be fun to have rng based crafting where something could always fail or come out special based on a % chance, or having a max level taking so long to reach that a newer/better game would be released before it was achievable. 13 years is too long...
Here's the thing though, making the levelling phase longer doesn't necessarily make it more meaningful. If I give you the task of whitewashing a wall, having you do it with a small paintbrush instead of a roller isn't going to make the task more meaningful, nor make you a better painter.
35 hours for the first 5 levels and it only scales up the higher you go seems ridiculous. This is overly grindy and excessive for a game where people are to have fun. How would you fill 35 hours of gameplay for thousands and thousands of players that would be variable enough to not be repeatable and not boring?
I get where you are coming from, but Japanese isekai novels are very exagerated. Nobody in their right might would invest so much time in a game in the real world.
that's why most isekai games are pay to win