Question about Bug reports/other issue reporting during Alphas, Betas, and Maybe Launch

TheBlackLambTheBlackLamb Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
Just a Question about Bug reports/other reporting, Is there or is there going to be an easy menu to access to report bugs and maybe a way to tag a video clip of the bug during the Testing and maybe even on launch? Or would bug reports be done in the forums? Just wondering and I did check the wiki for my question this time.


  • Wandering MistWandering Mist Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I imagine there will be. It would be kinda silly to not have an easy way to report bugs during testing.
  • TheBlackLambTheBlackLamb Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    it would be silly to not but who knows, small things tend to be forgotten
  • unknownsystemerrorunknownsystemerror Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    There is a system in place. When you are part of it you will be told how to do it.
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