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Would there be XP Gain Suppression?

TheBlackLambTheBlackLamb Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
What I mean by XP Gain Suppression is similar to Archage, would there be a system that would limit your XP gained from high level mobs that is way higher level then I or you are? In Archage there is a system that If I am new to the game, I have to either do quests or farm low level mobs for my XP because I cant XP gain is Suppressed for me from the high level Mobs, I would have to reach a Level to be-able to start farming those Mobs and Gain Xp.

So bottom line question, would there be a system that is going to stop me from leveling fast by farming high level mobs?


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    Wandering MistWandering Mist Moderator, Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    We haven't been told about any such system in place.
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