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Debuffs and enhancing those debuffs from another class.

Hi Everyone,

Like alot of us i was watching the stream with Asmongold. I've been dissecting the video going other everything that was talked about, as there was A LOT.
1 thing hit me that they didn't talk about and that is de-buffs and like. Steven said something about rush changing with a different archetype to set them ablaze. But he didn't say ramp-able. Like, if me and my buddy are playing together i set them ablaze with a fire type skill. can a lets say a "wind" type ramp the flames up to do more damage?

just wondering if someone if they allowed fill us in on the de-buff types and if they de-buffs from multiple ramp.?



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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    ESO has problems with 'ramped' skills. In fact ESO is a mess due to 'ramped' skills. They aren't necessarily working to enhance each other but the DoT Stacks get ridiculous.

    Balance and performance will be key in the massive PvP battles. I'd rather have a working set of team dynamics than a mess of 'ramped' skills.
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    Wandering MistWandering Mist Moderator, Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Intrepid haven't really talked about combo'ing abilities together like that, but it might be something they reveal later on down the line. We don't even have a comprehensive list of buffs and debuffs that will appear in the game yet. It's not really surprising since we have only seen 3 out of the 8 available archetypes and no augments so far.
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