Player Housing - Can we run a business?

Hello, I am an old school UO player and one of the greatest gaming memories I have to date is being able to run a casino out of my house in UO. AoC has peaked my interest and I am curious about the housing. Does anyone know if you would be able to do such a thing in this game?


  • CaerylCaeryl Member
    We know you’ll be able to run a tavern from your freehold and you can set up a shop stall on your freehold as well to sell items you create. Not sure if anything casino-like is going to exist
  • darthadendarthaden Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    From my understanding some houses will allow you to farm crops, have crafting stations, and possibly even a lake to fish but I dont think you can run a store or casino out of your house. There will be taverns that have parlor games though.
  • Being able to set up a shop would be cool for sure. Is a Freehold a house that is static outside of the main nodes? Forgive my ignorance; just discovered this game today. lol
  • mcstackersonmcstackerson Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Yea, a freehold is a patch of land outside of the node(but in it's zone of influence) that you can control and build different things on.

    We are supposed to be getting parlor games at some point so there is a chance that could set up some kind of casino with them.
  • Yea, a freehold is a patch of land outside of the node(but in it's zone of influence) that you can control and build different things on.

    We are supposed to be getting parlor games at some point so there is a chance that could set up some kind of casino with them.

    Good to know! i'll keep an eye out for that. Thanks!
  • JahlonJahlon Member, Intrepid Pack, Alpha One
    You won't be able to run a casino out of your house, but you can run one out of your freehold.

    For more informaton on housing and then if you have questions I'm about to be doing the 3 deep dive videos on the 3 housing types so I can get you whatever answers you need.
    Make sure to check out Ashes 101
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