Crafting question

Oi lads i would like to know if blacksmithing include cloth armor too? Or is it another profession?


  • darthadendarthaden Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited July 2020
  • Already saw that friend but i didn't see them mentioning any cloth armor in blacksmithing they only said that:"We believe that every item that exists in the world should in some way reflect its creator. As such, there will be extreme versatility in our crafting system" should i take that as an answer?
  • AardvarkAardvark Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2020
    Another crafting question it has been said you can craft raid equlivent gear and that most things will not be bound...will the very best crafted equipment be bound ? meaning only the crafter could wear it or can you just collect everything they need to make and tip them some gold and poof you have it? The answer will greatly effect if you want to be a crafter or gatherer
  • mcstackersonmcstackerson Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    edited July 2020
    Already saw that friend but i didn't see them mentioning any cloth armor in blacksmithing they only said that:"We believe that every item that exists in the world should in some way reflect its creator. As such, there will be extreme versatility in our crafting system" should i take that as an answer?

    We don't really know the specifics of specialization or how limited it will be. It sounds like you would specialize your artisan class in crafting but we don't know if you will have enough point to be a master of both metal and cloth armor. The devs are probably still figuring this out. As a crafter, i'd imagine you would at least be able to craft some cloth but if you specialize in heavy armor, you might not be able to craft the best cloth.

    Still though, i don't know and this is my speculation. It sounds like they want people to specialize in things but not be so strict that certain crafts become extremely rare.
    Aardvark wrote: »
    Another crafting question it has been said you can craft raid equlivent gear and that most things will not be bound...will the very best crafted equipment be bound ? meaning only the crafter could wear it or can you just collect everything they need to make and tip them some gold and poof you have it? The answer will greatly effect if you want to be a crafter or gatherer

    There will be some legendary items that are bound but i'm not sure about the best crafting would be. If you are talking about in general though, the items crafted from raid content will not be bound. If you think about it, it would be kind of shitty if you need a master gatherer to get a resource but only the master crafter can use the end product.
  • Thanks friends of the dawi now i know that we must wait for further information.
  • CaerylCaeryl Member
    To clarify, when they say crafting will be a major source of end-game gear, they mean that crafters are required to make the equipment. However, the materials needed to make those items will drop from other raids.

    A guild will have to have multiple crafters to make the best gear, and bring along their best gatherers to get the best materials for those crafters.
  • AardvarkAardvark Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2020
    Caeryl wrote: »
    To clarify, when they say crafting will be a major source of end-game gear, they mean that crafters are required to make the equipment. However, the materials needed to make those items will drop from other raids.

    A guild will have to have multiple crafters to make the best gear, and bring along their best gatherers to get the best materials for those crafters.

    But since none of it is bound you could just buy all the mats and tip a crafter to make it and end up with the finished item with nothing but coin spent. Tons of coin but still just coin. IMO this is going to encourage the heck out of gold farmers
  • Aardvark wrote: »
    Caeryl wrote: »
    To clarify, when they say crafting will be a major source of end-game gear, they mean that crafters are required to make the equipment. However, the materials needed to make those items will drop from other raids.

    A guild will have to have multiple crafters to make the best gear, and bring along their best gatherers to get the best materials for those crafters.

    But since none of it is bound you could just buy all the mats and tip a crafter to make it and end up with the finished item with nothing but coin spent. Tons of coin but still just coin. IMO this is going to encourage the heck out of gold farmers

    Kill them and take their mats/find out where they live and siege their mat storage. I dunno.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Aardvark wrote: »
    Caeryl wrote: »
    To clarify, when they say crafting will be a major source of end-game gear, they mean that crafters are required to make the equipment. However, the materials needed to make those items will drop from other raids.

    A guild will have to have multiple crafters to make the best gear, and bring along their best gatherers to get the best materials for those crafters.

    But since none of it is bound you could just buy all the mats and tip a crafter to make it and end up with the finished item with nothing but coin spent. Tons of coin but still just coin. IMO this is going to encourage the heck out of gold farmers

    You could, but you are assuming that the materials are up for sale - this won't necessarily be the case.

    If my guild kills a dragon and gets a crafting material from that, we aren't going to sell it as long as it is an upgrade to someone in the guild.

    If it is not an upgrade to someone in the guild, then sure, we may sell it.

    The thing is, if that item isn't useful to the guild, then presumably we are killing harder content to get better materials to make better gear. if this is the case, then the old gear that we are replacing - the stuff we made from that same crafting material from the dragon - will be being sold anyway.

    Since it isn't bound, when we have upgrades to items, there is no need or reason to keep the old items around still.
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