Nuggets Dropped - Asmondgold Interview

Balrog21Balrog21 Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
If you haven't seen the Asmongold interview with Steven you really need to, Steven dropped several nuggets during the interview.


  • that was a good interview, got allot of info i did not know about the game. Made me more hyped for it.
  • It was great. Long-time fan of Asmon and I was pretty impressed by his ability to seriously interview Steven. They seemed to bond over some common MMO stuff players their (and my) age tend to have in common.

    Great watch, would highly recommend it to anyone who's into Ashes!
  • LootyLooty Member
    Came here from that interview! very well done, Looking into AoC has gotten me very excited for it!
  • It was great. Long-time fan of Asmon and I was pretty impressed by his ability to seriously interview Steven. They seemed to bond over some common MMO stuff players their (and my) age tend to have in common.

    Great watch, would highly recommend it to anyone who's into Ashes!

    It was really good, he brought interesting points and it felt really fluid. Compared to the Summit one, it was clear that Asmon was more informed about the subject and mmos in general.
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