Walking stick for staves.

I saw some videos of the game and saw how the staff was being held when idle and running, which is fine, but I am not sure if this is already being considered when the game is being polished, further in development. However, I think it would be cool to have a staff that, when held and specifically when walking, it is used as a walking stick for it's animation.

"Change is the only constant"
Η αλλαγή είναι η μόνη σταθερά.
— Herodotus


  • Ye, das cool!
  • BigsBigs Member
    That would be cool. Weapons in most mmo's usally look a bit weird when not in combat. Especially bif weapons like staffs.
  • HerodotusHerodotus Member
    edited July 2020
    I agree entirely, a staff is large, awkward, and unwieldy. The running and combat animations are sufficient as it is, but I am sure they will polish it more before release. As long as they don't have some unrealistic edgy run animation. Or, alternatively, create some kind of animation customization when creating the character like DCUO (DC Universe Online) to satisfy those who would enjoy those sorts of animations as well. However, I haven't seen many games with a walking stick animation, and would love if Ashes of Creation did it.

    "Change is the only constant"
    Η αλλαγή είναι η μόνη σταθερά.
    — Herodotus
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    Good idea, make sure to come back during A2/ with these concepts. They can really polish the game, but right now they may be forgotten.
  • I love a good staff in a fantasy setting. It really makes or breaks the mage immersion for me.
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