Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
EU player's would you play on a NA server if event times suited EU timezone.

I'm asking this, to get a feel of what the EU player base is feeling.

Don't know if you were here during the being the EU publisher
This was the main reason I was asking this to give the EU playerbase an option
I mean you do have the option. You can still play NA. But they won't adjust NA servers etc. For EU to play.
Also its a waste of time talking about until we see actual performance of servers in live test.
We've been through all of this before. At the end of the day if they cannot deliver quality, IS will drop them. are being used for servers and customer support only. Its not hard to find replacements but EU has no good publishers that can handle mmos
I was saying because steven mentioned a server time window between 3pm est-7pm est that is like 8pm to midnight my time which is perfect
I was saying because steven mentioned a server time window between 3pm est-7pm est that is like 8pm to midnight my time which is perfect
Yeah then for you thats 100% viable
Though not for most i think. Lots of 9-5 office boomers in the mmo community that need their beauty sleep! :P
Lol for real
I am UTC +2 and usually stop playing when EU prime time hits, so it suits me as good.
I also like that US servers arent that populated when I play, so it helps if game is farming orientated etc.
All of our happiness is at the tip of our swords, our hearts can not soften."
- The Jaeger March
I see so, hypothetically speaking if your guild says we are going on NA server would you do it?
Yes connection does play a big part when making these decisions
I see I feel a community makes the server, so I'm sure there is going to be option for people who play in the same timezones so you can do content with them.
Probably not
Yes ping is a big decider but I feel our connection was good considering we were on west coast when we were playing together I was thinking east coast not west coast
But my friends will most likely play on EU, and ping is an issue.
I also hope they make more language based servers and not just "EU"
When it comes to gold farmers both EU and NA have same problems.
It's not worth the lag, even with a good connection of your own, it's not in your hands.
EU guilds will play in EU.
Speaking about non English there should be language channels.
BTW most Europeans know English and at last two more languages.
Since when are there Chinese gold farmers and cheaters on EU servers / more compared to NA?
Smaller population, can you tell me the numbers please?
What other downsides?
The amount of non-English speakers is small because in EU most of us know multiple languages.
Are you even from EU?