The Corruption idea prevents random killing, not PvP. So carebares, and gangers alike, chill out...

George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
edited July 2020 in General Discussion
Killing a player that doesn't fight back gets you let's say, 600 corruption points and 1 PK score.
If you have 4 PK you may lose gear upon death.
There are NPCs OUTISDE of towns that offer 'repentant' quests to write off 4 or less PK with every quest.
Burning 600 corruption points may take 5-10min killing mobs. Big deal....
Killing Bounty Hunters coming after you does not result in you getting more PK and corruption points. The combat debuff doesnt count if you fight a BH.
Obviously If you go on a killing spree, I bet you will go down, rightfully so.
Obviously if you go around looking for a newbie to kill, I bet you will go down, rightfully so.
Here is the Corruption System working on the most successful open world PvP mmorpg.

So, if you are a ganged and you are afraid of the corruption system, I say to you, you are not that good in PvP. You can't handle the pressure. L2P.
If you are afraid that other players are out there to PK you 24/7, while you are fishing of birdwatching in the world of Vera, I say to you, not everyone is willing to risk being hunted and losing their gear to stop you from chasing butterflies.

Ashes of Creation hasn't started A1 yet. A lot of players from various backgrounds:
hardcore pvp
PvP hating pvers
"I play mmos just for the lore"
will test these systems, to benefit the WHOLE population of the game.

Ashes promises no p2w, and a vast array of things for a player to do to help them progress. However, you need to socialise. Hating or favouring aspects of the game is the wrong attitude to approach something NEW if you haven't played open world mmorpgs before. Make some friends, they will back you up for sure. There will be true human relationships. Unlike mmorpgs in which you only need to be around other players during instanced raids/battlegrounds.
There will be true reasons to fight (if you are into fighting) other players. Not because they belong to the Hord or the Alliance, or the Pact/Dominion/Covenant.


  • I'm a PvP kinda person, who loves full-loot no restriction open-world PvP...

    And even I'm pretty happy with the PvX risk vs reward plan AoC has going for it.
    No doubt there will be some issues with corruption. It's new! We'll sort them out.
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited July 2020
    I'm a PvP kinda person, who loves full-loot no restriction open-world PvP...

    And even I'm pretty happy with the PvX risk vs reward plan AoC has going for it.
    No doubt there will be some issues with corruption. It's new! We'll sort them out.

    I like your attitude. Hope more people on this planet were like this.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Most of the new posters here will be unaware of this, but @George Black and I don't agree on much, ever, on any topic.

    He is PvP oriented, while I am PvE oriented. He prefers action combat, while I prefer tab.

    However, in regards to the corruption system, I completely agree with him.
  • George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    noaani wrote: »
    Most of the new posters here will be unaware of this, but @George Black and I don't agree on much, ever, on any topic.

    He is PvP oriented, while I am PvE oriented. He prefers action combat, while I prefer tab.

    However, in regards to the corruption system, I completely agree with him.

    thank you for not posting paragraphs upon paragraphs on my topic.
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