will servers handle it?

It seems like this game is becoming more popular or known and my biggest concern is will the servers actually be able to handle a smooth launch? I am so tired of day 1 of the game and they have severe lag issues and disconnects and people use the excuse that it’s day 1 or more people are trying to get on than expected. This should not be acceptable no matter what and they should plan on having like 10 million players all try to log on at once even if that’s not case. servers should not lag.

Also with the 250vs250 siege again there should be absolutely no excuse to have that lag. sure the castle siege sounds cool on paper but can your servers actually handle it? in this day and age and with the technology we have now new games that are coming out should have perfect server stability it’s that simple there’s no argument.


  • Wandering MistWandering Mist Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    The devs have spent a great deal of time working on the back-end infrastructure to make sure the servers can handle all the players. Steven is well aware of how crucial server performance is and is committed to making the launch as smooth as possible.
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2020
    First of all, we'll see.

    Second of all servers might have queues to log in with 50,000 accounts per server and 10,000 concurrent players. Yet server architectures and parameters can be adjusted if it is needed.

    Can't really predict the future. Sieges should be quite smooth, the graphics are not too overwhelming (Can do 4k on a 1080ti) so by the time the game releases then it should be glorious. Of course ping could be an issue but try to situate on servers in your region.
  • Nope.

    Launch day will suck.

    That's how MMOs go!
  • Nope.

    Launch day will suck.

    That's how MMOs go!

    pretty much
  • LafiLafi Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    lots of the networking and infrastructure is being worked on the same people that lets planetside (1/2) handle the thousands of players in combat seemlessly.
    just given how well those games work, unless the hardware is from the 1990s we should be okay.
  • darthadendarthaden Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Launch should actually go much smoother then most mmo's. Theyll have 10k playing on 1 server for Alpha1.....that will be a mess but the adjustments they make will help make future releases go smoother.
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