Will alpha or beta be easier to access down the road?

Hello all first of i just wanted to say this game looks amazing and i am very excited for it! Please let me quit wow! lol.

Anyways TITLE says it all, Just wondering if alpha or beta will ever be easier to access in the future? I understand the reasoning and why the current package is what it is...to support the company :D. I have money just not 75$ for testing reasons you know. :D

I am fairly new to ashes so i apologize if this was answered before, just super excited to jump in and make some content for the game :)


  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2020
    Double posted removal.
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2020
    I doubt prices will drop, some want increased prices for Alpha 1. You don't have to purchase a Beta Pack so quickly, Beta won't be for at least another year. It would be advisable to save up if you want it enough, ten dollars set aside a month could enable you to get a Beta Pack in 7.5 months time. Probably Alpha 2 will be around or close in 7.5 months time.

    Edit: Some people might have access to extra beta keys though, you could be lucky and get one of those.

    Double Edit: Managed to double post, my mistake.
  • CKMCKM Member
    Cool thanks for the info Neurath! I definitely will be putting money aside for it just super excited about the game. Will also be hunting for the extra beta keys wherever they land lol
  • darthadendarthaden Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Prices go down for each phase. I haven't looks at what they are but it's pretty easy, just go to the store page.
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