How will Tulnar nodes look?

Does anyone know how exactly Tulnar will affect nodes? Will it cause the stages to get deeper and deeper into the ground creating an underground metropolis or will the opposite happen with the bio luminescent underground bursting through causing the world above to look like the world below? I think any option regarding Tulnar will look stunning and fantastic but my curiosity is just eating away at me.


  • Oh, wow. Good question. Hadn't even thought of that.

    Hopefully it doesn't just turn all the guards into furries.
  • Well, here's the funny thing...

    Nobody has actually even seen how the Tulnar race looks like or how their buildings and structures look like. Soo, nobody really knows how Tulnar nodes look like right now or how they will look in the future.

    They will probably be one of the last races to be released into the testing builds of the game.
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