Setting Expectations About Backers And Long Term Engagement

OrcLuckOrcLuck Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
So, I'm a backer from the kickstarter, and I just want to say, that I appreciate the call for engagement, but financially and emotionally I need to divest myself of the energy and the pent up inability to act and the futility of trying to generate meaningful feedback, without much noise.

Right now if I invest too much, I'm going to end up with a game that is more driven by its prelaunch spectacle marketing, then I'm going to get out of the game on launch satisfaction.

Its very much a measure of trying to keep my emotional energy ready to be spent playing, and engaging with the full fledged product which I helped fund, and staying sane not trying to dig up every little tid bit about the game, and trying to micro manage feedback to suit my very specific tastes and dissuade feedback that I think would lead the game to a path that would exclude me in it's target market.

I still very much want to be the target you're aiming at, but for me to do that, I have to move further away from the game, so by the time you're ready to pitch, I'm already up to bat.


  • nidriksnidriks Member, Warrior of Old, Kickstarter
    I know exactly what you are saying. I backed day one of the KS and follwoed very actively for perhaps a year at max afterwards. I've since taken a backseat and just see what my guild say about the game or what pops up in my reddit feed (though reddit is just a cesspit of grumbling right now concerning AoC).

    With the Asmongold interview and the Lazy Peon video I've found myself really hyped again though. There is so much buzz in the Ashes channel on my guild discord right now. It's almost like early days again.

    Of course, the last thing I want is another Vanguard: Saga Of Heroes. It's because of that game that I remain doubtful in full about all the features Steven mentions. I watched the Asmongold interview and was a little sceptical about a lot of what Steven said.

    I want it all to happen, but because of Vanguard I'll believe it when I see it.

    I'm on the fringe of being involved right now.

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