Statements by Steven in the AMA(a faq of sorts)

xR1kuxR1ku Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
12-15 raid bosses at start
NO P2W whatsoever
No pay to convenience
Gear quality and rarity on other players(PVP)
Default appearance for large scale battles
Time delay for caravans(They will stay in world)
Gain advantages based on level in religion
May change, lose progression(gain augments)(Religion)
Bard/cleric only direct heal
You may augment some abilities to heal
Higher food level=stronger/longer buff for your food
Food may be proximity based(tavern ect)
No rail road goal for players.
Different types and tiers of gathering location
Boob slider(POG)
Specific items in game, that grants inventory expansion
Quest items do not fill your inventory
Mounts(mules) that give inventory you may store in
Price harmonization for sub
Defense capabilities wont take race into account(As in 2 races that have 2 different nodes will not have different capabilities for defending)
Loot distribution settings for raid leader
Name plate degrading based on health of a pvp target(You can't see players health, it will degrade as they take damage)
Equal power difference between gear and levels(As in both gear and level will determine your level of power vs someone who does not have your gear or is not as high of a level as you)
No throttling on damage based on level difference(If there was throttling it would be a scaled environment)
Holy trinity of summon options(necromancer)
Augments will affect summons
Cross-node quests
Extra benefits through high titles
Ship building not for freeholds
Ships are part of crafting

If you have any questions regarding one of the bulletins above, feel free to comment and I will explain the best I can. There was other things Steven said however they were reference to either other games or his own belief that I felt was better to not include in this post for clarity.

I apologize for the wacky look of this post.


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