Family teleport might be a bad idea

MarzzoMarzzo Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
edited July 2020 in General Discussion
This will be abused by elite players and lessen the experience for casual players. Give families other bonuses instead.


  • Wandering MistWandering Mist Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    The top raiding guilds will mostly like use the family summoning system combined with the advanced buffs you get in freeholds to push their damage to the max. I don't see this as a problem unless the raid fights are so tightly tuned that you need to do this in order to succeed.

    Pretty much every system can be exploited in some way, and trying to stop the top 0.1% of players from doing so is going to be a pointless headache for the devs.

    (and for the more observant people, yes I literally copy-pasted by reply to the previous thread which is identical to this one, because scrolling half-way down the front page of a forum is too hard apparently).
  • MarzzoMarzzo Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    The top raiding guilds will mostly like use the family summoning system combined with the advanced buffs you get in freeholds to push their damage to the max. I don't see this as a problem unless the raid fights are so tightly tuned that you need to do this in order to succeed.

    Pretty much every system can be exploited in some way, and trying to stop the top 0.1% of players from doing so is going to be a pointless headache for the devs.

    (and for the more observant people, yes I literally copy-pasted by reply to the previous thread which is identical to this one, because scrolling half-way down the front page of a forum is too hard apparently).

    I am willing to bet anyone that plays AoC regularly and has a few friends will set up a global teleportation system for every relevant location in the world. A guess would be 50% of the community will exploit this system.

    Every time you need to travel far, you will just ask your friends to log their alt and teleport you there. This is very bad. And it's extremely naive thinking most people won't do this.
  • I don't think most people will abuse this system, and I don't think this makes me naïve. Conversely, I would say that anyone who expects their friends to want to login to summon you every time you want them to is naïve. Most people will not be bothered doing that. What I find more likely is that the system will influence guild structure, whereby guilds break their membership up into assigned family groups based on roles for combat or groups of crafters or whatever, so that they can more easily coordinate activities. If the system is in the game I don't know how you'd really stop it. The solution to this problem also depends on if families are character-specific or account-wide, and if guilds are character-specific or account-wide.
  • BardticBardtic Member, Alpha One
    This has been brought up in a few other discussions already.
    No linked familys, can ONLY summons the 7 other members in a family.

    Takes real coordination to do a mass summon, getting at least 1(maybe 2 or 3 depending how the actual summoning works) from each family to a location.

    Add a cooldown(maybe daily) if it starts to be abused.

    Need to travel from the summoned location back to your town/metro. Gives time for griefing or attacks while core players are away from their home.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Can I get a link to where this was discussed?
  • BardticBardtic Member, Alpha One
    @noaani Just scroll down the general discussion. There are at least 2-3 others that voiced your concern. As you read through those four points were the major items people proposed to stop the abuse of the system.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Reign118 wrote: »
    Just scroll down the general discussion. There are at least 2-3 others that voiced your concern. As you read through those four points were the major items people proposed to stop the abuse of the system.
    I did that, I didn't see any link to or quote from what was said - which is what I am asking for.

    I don't much care about what posters have to say on the matter, I want to know what was said so that I can form my own opinion - and I haven't seen a link to it, nor a quote from it.

  • BardticBardtic Member, Alpha One
    @noaani no there hasn't been an official post on it. Thats just what people have said and makes sense. As long as the devs keep in mind the possibility of exploitation and have solutions to it, I don't see it being an issue.

    That is the entire philosophy of this games development. They are letting the community voice their concerns and letting the community propose solutions. I am assuming they will then use the solution voiced that they think is best and implement it.
  • EvirEvir Member
    edited July 2020
    What will there be to stop families from standing in 2 or more different cities and teleporting between them over and over, with full inventories of items to circumvent the Caravan system or manipulating markets?

    Seems like someone will make 8 accounts, family them up, then use it to move goods, even if it is just a daily cooldown.

    They would have to make it 4+ character required for the summon to reduce the chance but they could still safely travel one way, then they would have to run the mule character back.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Reign118 wrote: »
    no there hasn't been an official post on it. Thats just what people have said and makes sense. As long as the devs keep in mind the possibility of exploitation and have solutions to it, I don't see it being an issue.

    That is the entire philosophy of this games development. They are letting the community voice their concerns and letting the community propose solutions. I am assuming they will then use the solution voiced that they think is best and implement it.

    What, so the community just up and decided that families should all have the ability to teleport to each other?
  • BardticBardtic Member, Alpha One
    @noaani No obviously that was a dev decision. But any possible issues and solutions with their decision they are taking feedback on.

    @Evir few simple things can prevent that. A daily cooldown is an easy one. If you are willing to spend $15.99 a month to transfer one characters worth of inventory per day. More power to you. Once again its about cost/reward.
    Another possibility is making all harvested or farmed items drop when you teleport. Any item that can drop when you are killed by another player basically. Removes the item transfer ability and makes it so you can't just up and teleport anywhere at the blink of an eye. You would need to run back to town and put stuff in your warehouse if you are carrying anything significant before teleporting.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    Reign118 wrote: »
    No obviously that was a dev decision.
    Which is what I am trying to find - well, what I am wanting to find, I don't have the time to actively look for it right now.
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