Servers hosting with AWS

Valento92Valento92 Member
edited July 2020 in General Discussion
I wish I could've thought about this for the AMA but then I'm hightly doubtful it would be picked (I'm so unlucky lol). So, regarding AWS hosting, how efficient it is for an MMORPG? It's a genuine question I swear. I don't want to condemn or connect one thing to another but I can't get this feeling that since GW2 switched to AWS servers that game started experiencing very laggy server behavior in various situations... it could be badly-programmed backend infraestructure or the servers per se but it did have a pretty bad effect.
"Magic is not a tool, little one. It is a river that unites us in its current."

I heard a bird ♫


  • Cloud hosting such as AWS of Microsoft Azure both have the capabilities to fundamentally solve MMO lag and performance issues, IF the game is designed correctly to leverage all of the features and functionalities that AWS/Azure have to offer.

    I actually do Cloud architecture for work , and sadly 90% of the 3rd party software we buy doesn't use 1/10th of the available functionality the Cloud has to offer.

    So if AoC is designed correctly to leverage PaaS Cloud services that us auto-scaling both up and out, and designs their architecture specifically for a Cloud hosted environment, it will be a huge step up over anyone who is building VMs and deploying status resources.

    VMs are effectively the stone age in IT now.
  • @screwtape that's my understanding too. I'm not that knowledgeable in Cloud architecture but I grasp some fundamentals. And yeah, VMs are horrible. =|
    "Magic is not a tool, little one. It is a river that unites us in its current."

    I heard a bird ♫
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