Please, Please, Please, have a "Praise the Sun Religion", you can also have the Praise the Moon

TheBlackLambTheBlackLamb Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
Please, Please, Please, Please, Please, have a "Praise the Sun Religion", I want to be the religion of the Sun, Praising the Great son that gives us warmth, The Sun that burns thy enemy's and Enlightens Thy Followers, Please provide a beautiful sun religion :blush:
You can also add a filthy "Praise the Moon Religion".


  • edited July 2020
    Lathander was deity of the Sun, often called "The Morninglord," from Faerun. I do not know if Ashes of Creation will have deities to choose from.
    Since alpha-1 is around the corner a discussion about some of the lore/system/mechanics/or algorithms would be not be too much to ask, lest we are here in spite. Not that I do not approve of 'said' post, it is just my personal opinion it seems more of a rant (see signature).
  • BobbyBickBobbyBick Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
  • BardticBardtic Member, Alpha One
    Dayman! Ah-ah!
    Fighter of the Nightman! Ah-ah!
    Champion of the sun! Ah-ah!
    You're Master of Karate,
    And Friendship For Everyone!
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