Master Artisans - Leagues of Their Own

Hello I have a pipe dream of a mechanic that I think would be cool. I'm sure its impossible but, I have wanted Master Artisans or Crafters in a game for ages and I feel like Ashes could pull it off very well.

Here is my idea:
The top X (I would make X something like 5 characters), get a buff to things crafted in their skill. Only one master skill per toon so its not like you can bet the top 5 in two skills. So if you get a weapon crafted by Master Smith William the Smith, it has a note on the item that says it has a bonus due to it being crafted by such a prestigious smith. The idea is basically if I get that helmet or sword or something by one of these masters, its a huge deal. The moment that you see it says that you're thinking oh my god, I have a treasure. Its not like itd be limited to smithys either. Imagine if you get a mount from the legendary Hanging_with_my_gnomies or you helm a boat crafted by 420bootywizard, so on and so forth.

The way I imagine it, there is a way to track who has the highest xp on a skill and that means that someone can pass them. If a Master Artisan gets passed by someone the buff still remains on the item or what have you but they can no longer craft buffed gear until they make it back on top. Its a high scores challenge so to speak.

Now I get it that is hard to balance and I'm sure its harder to code but it could be along the lines of a 2% buff for the #1 blacksmith on your server. You could also limit it to one buffed item per month or even per year. Imagine if 420bootywizard makes an axe of legend; you want to somehow get that. You could also make it a durability buff but that seems less exciting. Mostly I'm looking for a fantasy built around players and I want people to look back at crafters and items from people whose names demand respect in same way that say Zezima's name did.
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