Time scale on Alpha-beta


I'm interested in investing in this game.

I want to play the alpha/beta but please can someone give a timeline on these?
- where are we currently?
- How long do these playable peroids last?

If someone can please help gain an understanding it would be appreicated.




  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    There is no official timeline right now, as they are not super keen on posting something they are not fairly confident they are able to keep. Based on that, the following times are mostly educated guesses/

    We are about to start alpha 1.

    In all likelihood, this will last until some time early next year, when we will begin alpha 2.

    Alpha 2 will last until arounf this time next year, at which point the first beta test will start.

    Beta testing will go faster than alpha testing, meaning beta 1 and beta 2 will likely be done in 6 - 9 months between them, putting the release in early/mid 2022.

  • Wandering MistWandering Mist Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Right now the game is in pre-alpha development. Alpha 1 is set to start in Fall of this year. This is the only confirmed date by the developers. Alpha 2 will come next, probably sometime next year. After that there will be the Beta tests, but obviously the time frame on these depends on how the Alpha tests go.

    Intrepid are very careful not to hand out dates that they can't deliver on, which is why we only have a (very loose) date for Alpha 1 so far.
  • nicqinicqi Member
    thank you for taking the time to respond.

    I really apprecaite the information thank you!
  • XraelXrael Member
    edited July 2020
    noaani wrote: »
    There is no official timeline right now, as they are not super keen on posting something they are not fairly confident they are able to keep. Based on that, the following times are mostly educated guesses/

    We are about to start alpha 1.

    In all likelihood, this will last until some time early next year, when we will begin alpha 2.

    Alpha 2 will last until arounf this time next year, at which point the first beta test will start.

    Beta testing will go faster than alpha testing, meaning beta 1 and beta 2 will likely be done in 6 - 9 months between them, putting the release in early/mid 2022.

    This right here. I expect the game to come out towards the end of 2022 with worst case being early 2023.
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