Crafters and local stores (Giran town days)

stolyaRstolyaR Member
edited July 2020 in General Discussion
Hi guys,
first of all thank you very much for your work.
I really hope that you can bring back the old feeling of MMORGP.

My question is about crafting.
One of the coolest things in Lineage2 was the crafting and local stores that crafters can open.
(Remember the square of Giran town?)
For example you as a crafter after long raids had some rare blueprint that dropped from a boss and after that you could just open a local store by sitting in a middle of the town and make money by providing others the ability to craft the gear (if they have a gear parts) by using you knowledge/blueprint.

Will Ashes have such mechanics?


  • Wandering MistWandering Mist Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I'm not seeing a question there......

    I'm guessing you're asking whether player stalls will be a thing in Ashes, which the answer to that is Yes.
  • I'm not seeing a question there......

    I'm guessing you're asking whether player stalls will be a thing in Ashes, which the answer to that is Yes.

    Thank you for the answer.
    So crafter basically will be able to open a store for others with any blueprint he have?

    Is there any page on wiki about that?
    I haven't found here : an answer for that.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    stolyaR wrote: »
    I'm not seeing a question there......

    I'm guessing you're asking whether player stalls will be a thing in Ashes, which the answer to that is Yes.

    Thank you for the answer.
    So crafter basically will be able to open a store for others with any blueprint he have?

    Is there any page on wiki about that?
    I haven't found here : an answer for that.

    Blueprint? Not that we are aware of.

    Just with items.
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