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File Size condensement.

KronKrianKronKrian Member
edited July 2020 in General Discussion
Will there be an attempt to condense the file size of the game, to make the downloading and setting up process as smooth as possible? I mainly ask because i see modern games with over 100 and sometimes close to 200 Gigabytes of file size and it makes me dread having to find space for all that amongst my other files and also having to wait a week (that's without stops and breaks in that timespan) just for the game to download.


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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    I don't personally see file size as much of an issue, to be honest, SSD's are cheap enough.

    It would be good for people with slower/less consistent connections if they could allow client downloads to start a week or two before release though - even if a small day one patch would be needed.
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    noaani wrote: »
    I don't personally see file size as much of an issue, to be honest, SSD's are cheap enough.

    It would be good for people with slower/less consistent connections if they could allow client downloads to start a week or two before release though - even if a small day one patch would be needed.

    Well, it's not a big ussue, you are right. But it would be very nice if the file size was more manageable and condensed and it would also be very beneficial for the players.
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    NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    KronKrian wrote: »
    noaani wrote: »
    I don't personally see file size as much of an issue, to be honest, SSD's are cheap enough.

    It would be good for people with slower/less consistent connections if they could allow client downloads to start a week or two before release though - even if a small day one patch would be needed.

    Well, it's not a big ussue, you are right. But it would be very nice if the file size was more manageable and condensed and it would also be very beneficial for the players.

    It wouldn't be that benefitial.

    As with anything, it is always a compromise.

    The file size should be the size it should be. Considering you would need to download any new cosmetics that Intrepid add to the shop, this means the file size will always be going up - and that is without taking in to consideration the free (and thus probably manditory) DLC.

    Honestly, if the file size of the initial download is an issue for you, that is an issue that you will have to deal with every few weeks.

    Download waits though, that is something Intrepid can do something about without any compromise.
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    AardvarkAardvark Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I honestly don't care if it's a TB just let me download it
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