Multi-Core optimization?

RabbitRabbit Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
Will the game run on a single-core only, or will it take advantage of multiple cores?


  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    It will make use of multiple cores.

    I don't remember the last game that came out that didn't.
  • Almost any game any more, aside from some possible small indie games, will utilize multi-core.

    Also, you interested in trading names?
  • VhaeyneVhaeyne Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    What I have read is that the game will used Unreal Engine 4. I am also seeing that UE4 will use "how ever many cores you can feed it". Not sure if that is different for the editor or final game.

    As long as they don't pull a Ark:Survival Evolved, and have the most un-optimized game in existence at launch. Performance should be fine. I will suffer though Ark launch frame rates again for this game though.
    If I had more time, I would write a shorter post.
  • Ya performance will be extremely important. As it always is. They should be aiming for the lower settings to be compatible on a potato. Whereas the higher settings really make a modern pc shine. It's just common sense but a lot of games just completely ignore people who can't afford a new pc every 3 months.

    U.S. East
  • Personally, performance is the most important thing for me when it comes to getting into and fully enjoying a game. It has to run smoothly... no hitches/hiccups or dropping frame rates.
  • CaptnChuckCaptnChuck Member
    edited August 2020
    Almost every game right now runs using multiple cores. However, after a certain point, the performance boost from having multiple cores goes down.

    I would suggest having a 6 core processor at minimum. Past that point, the gain in gaming performance from the no. of cores, is not that significant UNLESS you're multitasking i.e. streaming, watching streams etc. at the same time as playing the game.
  • KohlKohl Member
    The question brings back the nightmare that was Bless Online.
  • AardvarkAardvark Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited August 2020
    CaptnChuck wrote: »
    Almost every game right now runs using multiple cores. However, after a certain point, the performance boost from having multiple cores goes down.

    I would suggest having a 6 core processor at minimum. Past that point, the gain in gaming performance from the no. of cores, is not that significant UNLESS you're multitasking i.e. streaming, watching streams etc. at the same time as playing the game.

    I am looking at this CPU intel Core i9-10900K 5.3GHZ 10 core 20 thread
    right now I have an 8700K
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    It's an excellent CPU, Aardvark (The i910900k). Not sure whether Ashes will be CPU intensive or GPU intensive. The 4k Gameplay was on Ultra on a 1080ti so I feel it could be CPU Intensive. I hope optimisation is good though.
  • AardvarkAardvark Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited August 2020
    Neurath wrote: »
    It's an excellent CPU, Aardvark (The i910900k). Not sure whether Ashes will be CPU intensive or GPU intensive. The 4k Gameplay was on Ultra on a 1080ti so I feel it could be CPU Intensive. I hope optimisation is good though.

    Currently have an old ass 980TI looking at 3080 soon. Just not sure if I am upgrading the CPU or not once apon a time my stuff was very good but its getting old
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Yeah 3080 will also be a beast. It depends on what monitor you have though. In BDO you can run 1080p at 360hz and 'teleport' around. I hope Ashes has limitations on such 'practices' lol.
  • CPU utilization is a bit more complicated than simply the number of cores it can use. It's also how many threads can simultaneously work on the same process/task.

    A game can leverage all the cores and threads available, but if it's designed to not leverage all that available power correctly, a single super important process could be bottlenecked by a single core. That's when your CPU ghz comes more into place too.

    Hopefully by using the latest engines, and having some of the better optimization engineers in the industry on their team, they will do this correctly.
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