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Your favorite Skills and Abilities from other games

AoC will feature a lot of classes with even more skills. This thread is intended to be a source of ideas for the developers when designing skills and abilities by highlighting skills from other games that people enjoy.
Please list your favorite skills and abilities from other games and explain why you like them.

I played Priest and Mage in WoW.

As a Priest I loved
Penance - it has a very satisfying visual effect, is a regular strong heal and it can be used as a damage ability too. So there is always a choice to be made on how to use it.
Divine Hymn - it's a great AOE oh shit button. It also gives you time to think about what you want to do next in tense situations since it is a 8 sec channeled heal.
Shadow Word: Death - a finisher that allows you to contribute to a killing blow. Thanks to it you are more than just a healer. It feels really satisfying to use because of the sound + visuals as well as the damage it does to low health targets. Also if you didn't kill the target with it you recieved some damage aswell which could be used to break incoming CC and added quite a lot of skill in my opinion.

As a Mage I loved
Ice Block - Similar to Divine Hymn it gives you time to think and allows mages to deal with situations in a unique way. You could also use it to simply get rid of slows and roots so you had to choose if you want to use it as an oh shit button or just a "dispel".
Conjure Water, Conjure Food, Portal - I love these spells because they allow you to be useful to the group in general. The Portal spell was especially great since you had to travel the world to learn all the different portals.

In general I enjoy things that add to the class fantasy and feel unique to the class.


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    Wandering MistWandering Mist Moderator, Member, Founder, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    My favourite mmorpg abilities actually come from the anime Log Horizon (kinda sad when you think about it really). Here are my 2 favourite abilities from that show:

    Anchor Howl: PvP-style taunt. When used on an opponent it doesn't directly force their character to attack you, but instead, if they try to attack anyone other than you, you can hit them for a counter-attack for huge damage.

    Thorn Bind Hostage: This is a debuff that when applied to a target, wraps them in thorns that slow them down. Cutting these thorns will deal bonus damage to the target.
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    IllbeanIllbean Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I've played several games, and with that i of course have several skills/abilities that i like.
    • Grounding Totem, from the game World of Warcraft: Classic. It places a unit on the ground (without any movement capability) which redirects the next targeted hostile ability to itself. This totem dies in one hit, but if the ability redirected doesn't deal damage, then it can redirect multiple abilities. I love this ability so much because of its versatility, it's useable in so many scenarios it's insane.
    • Bonewall, Diablo 2. Creates a wall of bone on the battlefield, the wall consists of multiple sections which has its on lifepool. They block the path of projectile based attacks and blocks the movement of both the player and NPCs. I love this cuz, again, it's versatile and it fills a unique purpose within the game.
    • Diablo 4, the 4weapon wielding barbarian. I havn't played this yet, but it surely looks very interesting, the character carries 4 weapons in it's equipment (not in backpack) and depending on skillusage the character model equips the weapon that's needed for the skill and uses it for the animation. How it affects stats and such i do not know yet, but it looks very fun and interesting.

    These are a few of the things i really like from 3 different games, i have more ofc but i don't want to make an extensive list.
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    SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Mana Drain for LOTRO on The Loremaster. Enabled me to solo very difficult bosses.
    Siphon Life for Vanguard on The Blood Mage - Damage foes and distribute the siphoned life to group members.
    Celestial Shield for DCUO on The Celestial Class - Give Shields to the lowest healthed players in a group, heal over time after shield ends. (6 Shields max).
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    NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Curse of Years - The Wizard spits out an ancient curse, causing his enemies to age at an incredible rate - their hair turning white and skin shrivelling up.

    Gaze of Nagash - Bolts of Dark Magic leap from the caster's eyes, withering flesh and blackening the bone beneath.

    Raise Dead - The Necromancer can awaken mortal remains to reinforce the Undead legions under his control.

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
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    AardvarkAardvark Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
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    George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited July 2020
    Reflective Plate stamDK eso.

    "Use draconic wings for 4-6s to send back, up to 4 enemy projectiles dealing +50% dmg."

    Reflective plate was an amazing ability in ESO.
    It was removed from the game because people didnt want to play smart and counter it, or ask the devs to give it increased cost per cast. Meanwhile rogyes and mages could go invisible and teleport, avoiding all dmg or even supressing DOT.

    I also like any generic warrior ability that uses weapon animations and strikes, as opposed to weird effects for warriors like summoning and throwing titanic magic hammers.

    In ffxiv, a PvE game that I enjoyed very much, even though I am a hardcore PvPr (who doesnt QQ asking for games to change their scope) I liked the Dragoon jumping abilities. Dragoon was a badass dragonlike knight using a lance, that could jump high and strike as they fell to the ground. Beautiful animations, some had terrible sound effects.... terrible. Bad combat concept. Very ez, very static.

    Honorable mentions:
    I like the theme of Paladins and also their enemies, Dark Knights. Heals vs Lifedrain.

    Never have I looked at a mage casting a spell thinking "that looks nice". Never.
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    Neew wrote: »
    Conjure Water, Conjure Food, Portal - I love these spells because they allow you to be useful to the group in general. The Portal spell was especially great since you had to travel the world to learn all the different portals.

    In general I enjoy things that add to the class fantasy and feel unique to the class.

    I like things like that too, where your presence alone in a group/raid is valuable. That's why I love paladins, auras and buffs feel good. The only problem is when it detracts from your capabilities, or you become a buff bot.

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    Champions online: Miniaturization Drive with Reciprocating gizmo
    --This ability shrunk a target down to 10-20% of their original size and reduced their damage output, and then the reciprocating gizmo perk added the ability to increase your own size by a significant ammount, and deal a bit more damage. The most fun part was the effect duration was longer than the cooldown, and it was a "trigger on next attack" effect, so one could hit the ability, wait for it to recharge, finally use it, and since the power recharged, use it again, then potentially use another ability to immediately refresh all cooldowns. I think each use doubled your size, so getting to 8 times normal height on an already large character was ridiculous.

    City of Heroes: Surveillance
    --Functioned as a defense and resistance debuff, but also displayed the enemies stats in extreme detail such as their HP, resistances, active effects, and so on.

    City of heroes: Spirit shark jaws
    --A ghost shark chomps an enemy through the ground, and hold them in place making them unable to act. BTW, size scaled with mob size, so if you could get it stacked with enough magnitudes of CC, you could get it's visual to show up on 50+ foot tall monsters.

    DCUO: Super Strength
    --Who doesn't like throwing cars at people? Also increased the damage that thrown environmental objects did. Could stack with another ability to lift even heavier objects temporarily like garbage trucks.
    DCUO: Meteor
    --Calls down a single meteor roughly 4 feet around in size. Functions as an environmental object, and damages anything it rolls into or hits. You could also pick this object up again and throw it to do extra damage. Occasionally it would bounce around enemies and hit several times and pretty much delete enemies.

    Everquest: Spirit of the Wolf
    --Classic "Gotta go fast" buff

    D&D: Demi plane
    --Makes your own private pocket dimension room with a doorway on a flat surface. You can open new or old demi planes each time you cast it.

    Dark Souls: Power Within
    --Damage over time to self for massive damage buff. Should note that healing is kinda limited in that game, and the DoT could potentially tic your entire healthbar at 1% per second. (KAIOKEN!)
    Dark Souls: Gravelord Sword dance
    --Slam a faith basic magic casting tool into the ground, and a miracle of the gravelord makes numerous giant spectral bone blades erupt from the ground around you in rapid Succession. If it hits a target, it can also send the target hurtling upwards.
    Dark souls 2: Dead again
    --A Dark Miracle that turns corpses into bombs.
    Launch day: Consider Combatant as you spawn at the Gates. Nothing to lose, and you can reroll your character if you don't want corruption/debt after. Let's Baptize the new world in Blood and Screams!
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    darthadendarthaden Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Fear from my warlock in classic wow. It's a great spell to use to troll people with. Some Alliance member walking a little to close to a mob pack or a elite? Cast fear and hope their path takes them in that direction.......sure I could always try to gank them myself but sometimes it's more fun to sit back and /lol and /dance while they're getting eaten alive by a large pack or a big baddie.
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