Streamer Privilege. To those that come from Twitch.

XraelXrael Member
edited July 2020 in General Discussion
Since a lot of you guys came from Asmongold's twitch stream, as shown in this poll right here,, most of you will prob be concerned about streamer privilege.

Ill try to explain why this most likely wont exist in AoC, unlike in WoW, in this post.

The first thing you have to understand is, there are just as many people that wanna run over streamers as there are people that wanna help them.

In WoW, the people that want to help Asmon, A+, are not countered by the people that want to run over him, A-, as the A- group is severely limited in what they can do to balance out the actions of the A+ group. But in a game like AoC that is not the case.

Sure, in a scientific node, Asmongold will probably be elected as the mayor, however, there will be a lot of potential for drama post and pre-election which can result in him being voted out. Also, unlike in wow, the A- group of people will have multiple opportunities in AoC to run him over through constant castle and node sieges, open world guild fights, ganking, contesting dungeons that Asmon wants to complete etc. etc. So if anything, the server which streamers are going to be on, is going to be highly active and dynamic because of the polarization of the population of that server into the A+ and the A- group.

As for the military node, I don't think streamers would allow match fixing to take place and I don't think Steven would allow it either. Moreover, like i said above, the A- group will target Asmongold first to get him out of the br mayor run and there is no real way for the A+ group to stop this unless they kill every single one of the A- group members. So even if he does get people to help him, its NOT going to be easy.

As for the economic nodes, this is probably the one that favors streamers the most as they can get a lot of stuff for free. However, like I said above, these nodes can be brought down by the A- group through sieges and stuff.

As for the divine nodes, Steven never said anything about quest items being tradeable. Also, yet again, along with the A+ group that might come to help Asmon complete divine quests to become mayor, the A- group will also be trying to beat him to quest completion so that they can reach the top first. So, yet again, it balances itself out.

So like I mentioned above, unlike in WoW, since both A+ and A- group of people have ample opportunities to counter each other in AoC, it will balance itself out in my opinion. Some people will want to go to the A- group after supporting him for so long and some people will want to go to the A+ group after opposing him for so long. Thus, it will create a nice balance in the world.

The real issue, however, will be the server lag because of the large amount of viewers that will follow him when he comes to a server. However, I doubt this issue will be significant due to the extremely large amount of time it takes to progress on a single character in AoC. Also, because the world is so dynamic, he won't run out of content quickly on his main character's server. So, more than likely, Asmongold will spend most of his time on his main fighter class, with only a small amount of time on alternate accounts.

In fact, I think streamers are going to face much more trouble than normal players, especially when they start out. This is because of the flaws of the corruption system as it stands currently. Streamers will most likely have to hide their server at the start or maybe level a bit before streaming their character as otherwise they might get farmed at the starting area.

Since the amount of these trolls will be massive, due to the large amount of viewers that are going to follow the streamer to the new server, and because low levels don't care about dropping gear since most of it is useless, it will require the streamer to die MULTIPLE MULTIPLE times before all of the trolls are teleported to elsewhere on the map or heavily corrupted and rendered combat ineffective.

Steven will fix this in the Alpha and Beta phases though, as i'm sure he's seen the HUGE increase in the popularity of the game after the recent interviews.

So overall, i think streamers will most likely end up playing the game just like every other normal player would.


  • McKayyMcKayy Member
    Due to the rise of streaming in general alongside the development of this game, the devs have been able to see every problem coinciding with MMORPG's currently on the market. If they've taken all of these gameplay mechanics and systems into account, I'm sure they have already begun adding fail-safes to combat griefing or unfair elections. But as you pointed out, multiple servers does an already-decent job of allowing players to avoid those situations as a whole.
    "If the world were to grow back it's heart, I then believe humans would help one another to achieve anything"
  • Since in the recent Q&A they even talking about reserving a spot on a server ahead of launch to allow larger guilds to show their intent I'm not really that concerned about Streamer guilds. When classic launched in WoW they did something similar so you knew where they were headed. If it is something that people are concerned about people should just avoid going to the known server of that Streamer.
  • XraelXrael Member
    edited July 2020
    McKayy wrote: »
    Due to the rise of streaming in general alongside the development of this game, the devs have been able to see every problem coinciding with MMORPG's currently on the market. If they've taken all of these gameplay mechanics and systems into account, I'm sure they have already begun adding fail-safes to combat griefing or unfair elections. But as you pointed out, multiple servers does an already-decent job of allowing players to avoid those situations as a whole.

    Exactly. Streamers are an important part of every game, and are especially important to new and upcoming games. So with the huge increase in popularity of the game due to the recent interviews on twitch, I'm sure Steven will ensure that Streamers in no way benefit or struggle in the game any more than a normal player would.
  • XraelXrael Member
    edited July 2020
    Mordious wrote: »
    Since in the recent Q&A they even talking about reserving a spot on a server ahead of launch to allow larger guilds to show their intent I'm not really that concerned about Streamer guilds. When classic launched in WoW they did something similar so you knew where they were headed. If it is something that people are concerned about people should just avoid going to the known server of that Streamer.

    I kinda disagree. If I lived closer to NA, I would prob want to be on the same server as Asmongold simply because of the amount of drama that's guaranteed to happen. The resulting consequences to the world, due to all the drama, would be super fun to experience imo.
  • streamers/content creators/influencers all are very important to game developers specially marketing. Many of these popular channels on various platforms provides an opportunity for the game to be shown to an audience they may perhaps are unable to reach or tap into. I have mentioned in another thread I actually decided to get into this game because of YouTube players that many people are familiar with.

    If it wasn't for them, I might have never invested $250 nor committed myself to AoC.

    I think rewarding these content creators whom have proven themselves loyal to the game is important. A little icon on top of their player name in-game or a different color of their name when they are live in-game or forum name cosmetic acknowledgement. etc etc

    These channels are just as important to the game as what investing into marketing is, plus free publicity is always a win. When looking at it from a business perspective, keeping some of these major players in the community would be a good idea. I am sure these rewards come through agreements and contracts or these cosmetic perks can easily be reversible.
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