Freehold fast travel

win243smwin243sm Member
edited July 2020 in General Discussion
Devs have stated that their main focus with not allowing fast travel is to stop vergs. They have mentioned fast travel based of family group. Would fast travel to freehold and family freeholds be an option? Just though that would be a great feature.


  • I think having fast travel at any level is a slippery slope, and for me, the main attraction of a freehold is that it's something that exists out in the world, that I can go visit.

    It's not that I don't think being able to just port there wouldn't be convenient, but for one, I think that would undermine that feeling of local presence that we get from actually moving to a place.

    The second reason that I think this isn't necessarily a great idea is that Scientific Metropolis' big feature over the other Metros is fast travel. You should be incentivised to work towards getting that if that's something that you value as a player.

    Fight for and earn it if that's something you want to happen! If you really can't be bothered to travel by land, develop your node and unlock fast travel!
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