
XraelXrael Member
edited July 2020 in General Discussion
What do you guys feel about being able to master all professions under a single artisan class?

Personally, I disagree. There are two sides to this coin.

On one side of the coin, if you only let people master 1 profession under every artisan class, its going to be difficult to encounter people of different professions in the world.

On the other side, like in AoC, if you let people master every profession under a single artisan class, it kind of takes away from the uniqueness of the different professions and makes it way too common to encounter people of different professions in the world.

What if instead of doing either of these, you took a happy middle ground?

Players who choose the gathering class, can master 3 or 4 professions out of 5 .

Players who choose the processing class, can master both of the professions.

Players who choose the crafting class, can master 5 or 6 professions out of 10.

Its important to make sure that the no. of professions that you are allowed to master, under a single artisan class, should be proportional i.e. balance must be maintained between selecting x amount of professions from an artisan class or y amount from another.

What do you guys think?


  • For the general population I agree with what they currently have with only mastering one profession in a single artisan class. Especially since you are still able to progress the other professions to X level. So as a master of X you don't have to wait for a master of Y to do the beginner stuff.

    The only middle ground I see that makes the most sense is like a Master Builder of X City. He/She is the only one that can be a master of multiple crafts. He/She would need to be regulated in some way or everyone will try to use him/her since they are a jack of all trades.
  • Personally, I think it's a good policy. I'm planning on making an alt for doing processing, and then I'd like to take up taming or crafting on my main.

    The thing about crafting that makes me hesitant is how node dependent it is, but I really want to get into ship building.

    That being said, I tend to main support classes, and combat pets also hold a bit of an appeal to me, even if it means transferring a bit of power out of my character and over to said pet, so Taming is also an extremely attractive option for me, personally.
  • I don't think being able to master every profession under an artisan class is the best idea even though Steven said that after you master 1 profession every subsequent one will be harder to progress in. So there is that and they will obviously take a crap ton of time to max out.

    However, I would have liked players to be limited in the number of professions they can master - being limited to 1 can cause problems in the long run in my opinion. Obviously, we don't know how many professions each artisan class will have, but i'd say limiting a character to mastering an arbitrary number of 3-5 professions from the whole pool instead of 1 or all.

  • ToepekaToepeka Member, Warrior of Old
    Well we don't know if this is the case, Steven might have meant you can only be a master of Mining not a master of gathering as a whole.

    Unless it has been specifically clarified elsewhere? The way i took it as if you are going to be a master at Blacksmithing, for example, you wont be able to 'max out' the other crafting professions like ship building but you can still somewhat progress them.
  • phdmonsterphdmonster Member
    edited July 2020
    Toepeka wrote: »
    Well we don't know if this is the case, Steven might have meant you can only be a master of Mining not a master of gathering as a whole.

    Unless it has been specifically clarified elsewhere? The way i took it as if you are going to be a master at Blacksmithing, for example, you wont be able to 'max out' the other crafting professions like ship building but you can still somewhat progress them.

    We have a quote from Steven in the Artisan Mastery page. This is the case - you can master an entire path (gathering, processing or crafting) but it will be a significant time investment and won't be easy. This is the last information we have on Artisan classes in this aspect. Whether that will change in the future, we don't know.

    Becoming a master Crafter or a master Processor or a master Gatherer should be a significant time investment and resource investment; and because of that it should also be something that when you achieve that status it's like people on the server know who you are. – Steven Sharif

    When we reference not being masters of all that doesn't mean you're not a master within your own one of the three artisan types, which is you know crafter or gatherer, processor. You will be a master of one of those, you will not be master of the other two. – Steven Sharif
  • ShoelidShoelid Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I think it depends on how difficult it is to master professions after the first. If mastering all the professions in your tree is truly a herculean task, it's not that big of a deal. If it was relatively easy to max out every profession in a tree, I would agree there would be a bit of a loss in individuality in that regard.

    My personal hope is that there are ways to distinguish yourself in your profession outside of a simple level.
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