Rogue Archetype

Rogues have been said to be beneficial in dungeons for finding secret rooms which are said to be randomly generated. Will a double archetype in rogue(assassin) be required to find these secret rooms in end game content. Or will just a single spec in rogue grant the ability to inspect for secret rooms in end game content?


  • That was mentioned in either the AMA or the most recent interview. It is very new information and we don't really know what the requirements will be. It may be that some hidden content require a particular combination of rogue + something else. Like a wall illusion requiring a rogue + mage to detect and 'dispell' it etc.
  • UlfUlf Member
    What @phdmonster said...

    IMO People is getting hyped with all the new info/content/interview stuff, and are jumping to conclusions wayyy too quick.

    If i were a game dev, i wouldn't want to post too much info too quick, people theorycraft EVERYTHING nowadays.
  • Ulf wrote: »
    What @phdmonster said...

    IMO People is getting hyped with all the new info/content/interview stuff, and are jumping to conclusions wayyy too quick.

    If i were a game dev, i wouldn't want to post too much info too quick, people theorycraft EVERYTHING nowadays.

    Corrent, plus Steven has said it multiple times that they will not reveal 100% of the information about any system because they want players to be able to explore certain aspects of their systems.
  • @Ulf You are correct, but I wasn't really just seeking out an answer I also wanted to see what other people in the community have speculated. I have seen the most recent interview and a few of the livestreams, but its always entertaining for me to see what other people are thinking in terms of archetypes, because of how little information there is which is a good thing!
  • Spaidez wrote: »
    @Ulf You are correct, but I wasn't really just seeking out an answer I also wanted to see what other people in the community have speculated. I have seen the most recent interview and a few of the livestreams, but its always entertaining for me to see what other people are thinking in terms of archetypes, because of how little information there is which is a good thing!

    It's good and bad. It keeps in the mystery of the classes and the world, but revealing any information only stirrs up people with imaginations. They start posting and talking, new people see that and go "OMFG this sounds awesome" even though it is exactly 0% based on facts.

    Then the devs come out with official information about classes and suddenly 90% of the people who were like "OMFG IM GOING TO PLAY A NECRO AND HAVE 777 SKELETONS" realize that the class is nothing like what they dreamed and imagined it would be like. So they get salty that they didn't get what they wanted and start spreading misinformation around in the interwebs.
  • UlfUlf Member
    edited July 2020

    Im thinking that, if they venture deep enough in the alpha/beta test, they will be able to polish things up.
    And with that, they will be able to release content, regarding general gameplay or some key stuff, eye candy. etc. to keep us interested/occupied with speculation.

    I've betatested a bunch of games and alpha tested for a few private Lineage2 servers long time ago. And I really feel that the alpha test sometimes is taken very lightly when the testers are more focused on, maybe, publicity ? than the test itself I.e: Streamers with a large fanbase. Alpha is for details and lots of backend stuff, quest programming, gameplay bugs etc. And betas are usually to stress test the servers PLUS some fine tuning / letting the people play with the clay you gave them and be weary that they don't break your game.

    But I'm rambling, sorry. Back to the thread, I think that the player base will be higly divided between the nostalgic in their late 30's , that have been playing the old servers of their favourite MMO's and the young lads that have jumped a lot between crappy MMO's and are very weary of being scammed by yet another GoFundMe campaign.

    So it's a mixture between letting your imagination fly with wonder and excitement, and bringing yourself back to earth, asking yourself if the dev team will deliver what we are looking for or not, and a most of the time, figuring out builds and characters and questlines and seeing if they are good, gives us hope, or not.

    Come on, all of us that play MMoRPG's like to find builds, and craft stuff, and meet new people to explore and PVE/PVP. But I say to myself: Be patient man, be a little skeptical, read the forums and hope for the best

    Have a great day !


    TL;DR: Be patient, and support the development of the community.
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