How about no pvp debuff for corrupted players?
Theres already negative consequences for being corrupted, but maybe a pvp debuff is too much.


  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    The PvP Debuff won't be removed. Corrupted have no PvP Debuff against Bounty Hunters. The PvP Debuff is the only constraint stopping a massive gank fest by the corrupted. If the PvP Debuff is removed I'd expect Green players to be able to turn Purple against Reds. It would make no sense to keep Greens stuck at max death penalty against Reds when Reds are at optimum efficiency.
  • edited July 2020
    But wouldnt it make more sense, that you would be safe in the cities in nodes as a green player, since corrupted cant get past the guards. And if you go out, its free for everyone to assasinate you?
  • SongcallerSongcaller Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I think thousands of people will be turned away from the game if that was the case. We have a lot of PvE Players that accept the Corruption System. If you remove the Corruption System or remove the PvP Debuffs, the amount of potential players will drop.

    As much as I love PvP, PvP Players are a minority breed.
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