Combat in Ashes - Reverse Q&A

It is wonderful to see Verra coming to life, but as someone who has kept a close eye on this project since inception, I think a question many of us has is: what is the vision for combat?

My understanding is that Intrepid are planning on implementing tab based targeting moves and action combat moves, in a system where no character can have more than 75% of their active moveset be one category or the other, e.g. 75% tab and 25% action.

Is anyone else concerned that by trying to appeal to both groups, they will appeal to neither? This is a new kind of system that I have never heard of before in any other MMO game. Theoretically it might work, but why risk failing on this front when there are pre-existing templates for fun rpg combat? Take Dark Souls, for instance. Anyone who plays that game knows there is a "lock-on" system, but also that the combat is extremely dynamic, with players constantly measuring distance and dodging attacks.

Watching the Pre-Alpha footage, I couldn't help myself wishing the boss fights were like Dark Souls... In its current, unfinished state, it looks like players mostly stay in one spot like in Everquest or Classic WoW. I know there's a lot of development yet so I should keep my hopes up, but I strongly believe dynamic combat is something Intrepid needs to get right for the game to reach mainstream success.


  • KnivesKnives Member
    I like the question but I really think we can't measure the boss fight in Pre-Alpha footage since they probably did not prioritize to create a real boss this early, when so many mechanics are unfinished and probably subject to change. Think of it this way, the creative director Steven Sharif, is a MMO fan himself and I think that he will give you more of a fight that makes you run around, dodging various attacks and traps with precision steering while you have to continuously damage the boss - at least for the harder ones.

    But I am also skeptical about the combat system. It definitely sounded a bit weird to me, that they mix the mechanics and that I have to use both, but I really couldn't say what I think about it until I have tried it out for myself for a few hours.
  • WhiskizWhiskiz Member
    edited July 2020
    I'm more interested in how they're balanced between one and the other, as Action Combat is obviously harder to land so the balance would need to be adjusted to reflect such.

    Which would mean action combat skills being somewhat stronger. Then good Action Combat players will probably have a clear advantage.

    I feel like the strongest thing to go if all things were equal, instead, would be 75% tab target and maybe movement skills or similar as the 25% action combat needed.

    And this is coming from a big fan of Action Combat such as Tera (The boss fights in that game were amazing, especially as a tank - having to learn the bosses attacks and know when to block and when to be using your aggro skills by actually watching the animations and movements and when and where to move around etc)
  • ShoelidShoelid Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I'm concerned about this too. I don't doubt that they can make the mix feel fun, but I'm having a hard time seeing a world where they balance the two of them well enough to make it an actual choice. Even if specific fights prefer tab targeting or action combat, the group expectation would be to switch between the two as you need to.
  • It's all going to matter on how it's implemented. Some skills in games just work better in tab targeting, while others are better in action combat.

    I love the mix idea, but execution will be key.
  • GrimzarGrimzar Member
    edited July 2020
    I imagine that direct skills like stuns, healing, charge etc will be tab-targeting while normal weapon swings, some cone-shape ability could be action based.
    But I am a bit worried if they introduced a mix, where for example you can have one ranger who shoots arrows using tab-targeting while other one have to aim manually.

    Either way I like idea where swinging your massive battleaxe would hit multiple enemies who are in weapon's range.

    Also I am a bit confused by AoC Apocalypse. They said that it was test ground for action based combat etc. But from what I heard you can become a mayor of militaristic province by winning in Battle Royale mode? So would it be straight forward AoC Apocalypse mode within AoC MMO? To be hones I didn't really like that action camera view, hanging above player's model shoulder.

    I hope they don't change view angle for players who decide have more action based skills than the player who prefer tab-targeting. Cause that over the shoulder camera angle obstruct the view drastically. But then how to aim your shots when you see your character from 30 feet away...

    I really hope they make it right, because if combat sucks then all of the cool mechanics wont matter.
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