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Equippable Instruments, Totems, Banners, etc.

Bards are going to be a thing, which for me is fantastic. I can't wait to get my hands on the class, to try it out and see how Ashes brings it to life.

I'm envisioning my Bard as a Vek Orc who goes into battle with a set of war drums at his waist, done up in warpaint with a large totem or idol strapped to his back.

Thinking about that has made me curious what other kinds of thematic elements people might want to equip their characters with, outside of general armour/weapon reskins, and focusing more on RP value. A banner or religious icon for Paladins or Clerics to carry into battle?

Or maybe a full beast pelt for a ranger to drape across their back?

What are your thoughts?
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