Hidding player health

George_BlackGeorge_Black Member, Intrepid Pack
Obviously when in a group, you will see your group members HP.
Now, the benefits of not displaying players HP:
1) as soon as anybody notices a low HP target, they all jump on that target. That target has 0 chances of fighting back and recovering once people see the low HP bar. It counters zerg mentality.

2) when there are HP bars, people keep looking at it and act accordingly. If the game doesnt show it, players can focus on on the enemy character they fight a) instead of looking for the low health bar player nearby
b) look at the actions the enemy is performing, enjoy the combat visuals and when the enemy dies, then you won, look for the next objective.

Since there will be some indicator of the state of a targets HP, I would like to suggest that the devs make it less visible, in order for rogue and ranger primary class combos to benefit from a unique ability, only available to them, which would signify when an enemy HP is at 30%.
It shouldnt be an over the top effect, or massive red pointer saying "THIS GUY GETS LOW HP. TARGET!!!!!", but something so that these classes can do their job and exploit an enemies vulnurable state.

And no, I wont play rogue or ranger. I dislike them both over the years of gaming.


  • That's already in the game. Players will not be able to directly see the exact amount of HP their target has.
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