Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Hide Nameplate/Disguise option?

It would be super cool if a player could work towards an item or buff that allows them to temporarily obscure their nameplate from others. Like a potion of disguise or something to that effect. Maybe even choose a "disguise name" to operate under.
This would allow someone that has made a good name for themselves to also work towards a secret second life for RP reasons. If you decide to kill or harass others they don't immediately know your name or who to call out, they could just report where you are and try to give a description of your character.(Obviously GMs would be able to see past this for things that need real reporting on.)
There could also be an item that exists to erase the buff as well. So you'd have to be careful whom you use it around.
Edit: Just to clarify, I'm talking about the name itself. Not the health bar or anything else. Just the words of the name.
This would allow someone that has made a good name for themselves to also work towards a secret second life for RP reasons. If you decide to kill or harass others they don't immediately know your name or who to call out, they could just report where you are and try to give a description of your character.(Obviously GMs would be able to see past this for things that need real reporting on.)
There could also be an item that exists to erase the buff as well. So you'd have to be careful whom you use it around.
Edit: Just to clarify, I'm talking about the name itself. Not the health bar or anything else. Just the words of the name.
I do not think it will happen because IS have said Name Plates will degrade instead of Health Bars. Edit: In PvP.
I don't think Name Plate Concealment and Name Plate Health can be done together.
Name plates honestly shouldn’t be visible by default, just visible to Friends, Friends of Friends, Guildmates, and groups. Obviously if they’re Mayor, or in a position of power in that node, or part of a server first, or have some otherwise notable achievements to get “celebrity” status, then sure maybe they lose that anonymity, but some random joe isn’t going to have their name known through the realm.
If I instinctively knew the names of everyone I ever met, it’d make things a lot less awkward, but it sure as hell wouldn’t make any sense.
Well the words could just be gone. Or alternatively, the potion of disguise could allow you to enter a different name temporarily.
Yeah if you can't view names by default that would be great. Maybe only when partied or sharing an organization(friend list, guild, etc)
I might be worried about players abusing this to frame other players, or using it to circumvent punishment, MMO's are a very social game, and if you go around scamming, killing and trolling other players, people talk and soon no one will want to play with you. This is a very healthy system in a social game, and allowing people to get past it would be a design mistake IMO.
This would exactly be its purpose. You would still hold onto corruption until you can clear it if the person you attack does not fight back. I think if there are ways to grind or obtain an item to do this then that is fine. It's something for players that want to occasionally go corrupt can use to hide their identity. Limited duration means they can't keep it up forever. So I think it remains in the vain of the corruption system. You'll still be marked on a bounty hunter's map.
That's the point, people don't hide themselves for no reason, but with any method of hiding something, there's gotta be a method of revealing it, i.e if you kill them you can examine the body or you just get a system message saying who you killed in chat. Or an active or passive buff that "reveals what is hidden" or w/e it could be.
Personally I like the ability to disguise yourself, gives confrontations a sense of mystery, and if you kill them or find out who they are, it just makes it better when you get revenge and makes them look dumb in the process.
I think if it requires in-game work and grinding to get items that allow for said peace or disguise, then absolutely they should have that opportunity.
Players that don't, won't have any need to spend the time to gather said item/buff, so there is still a form of detriment to the disguised. And again, I think there should also be items obtainable to remove the buff or disguise, so players that want to counter this can. It adds more layers to the social aspect of the game with a really simple mechanic.
Very different than ghillie suits as you will still be fully visible in every way. Your name will just be obscured so you can't be identified by name during the time of the buff.
I agree that ghillie suits from BDO are bad but that was just players messing with the visibility of the game.
But in BDO, you can see who killed you in the logs and death screen. So it's actually not the same. The direct implications are also not the same because AoC seems far more social and reputation would matter more.
OP also suggested full anonymity from what I am reading, hence, "second life". Not a system message that reveals upon death.
I am not a fan of this though. I too would prefer this play-style have consequences associated with their name/reputation.
The potion idea seems far too abusable and can cause way too much needless drama. Sure it seems fine for RPers as you may suggest but for the general population? What's to stop me from changing my name to another player's. People would be getting ostracized for things they didn't do. It may sound cool but is it really good for gameplay?
While you may have think you have a good idea, it does not mean it will have good results or behave the way you think it will. If you think this will help you want to go occasionally corrupt, the even worse offenders (the griefers and whatnot), will take it many steps further than you do.
I mean the initial idea was to just obscure the name. And if you can make a disguise name it could be subject to the limitations of not having the same name as another person. Surname or otherwise. That would be a pretty easy thing to avoid.
The purpose of it is that it is weird in the first place to just automatically be able to know someone's name.
There are consequences still in place. You'd still get corruption. You could still be tracked by bounty hunters. You would just have a method of getting around someone immediately knowing your name. It could also be something that takes time to obtain. If takes a reasonable amount of time to obtain you can't just do it all the time. This would also incentivize those that want to cause havoc all the time to maybe only do it when they can obtain one of these items.