Staff as a melee weapon

tedwardotedwardo Member, Founder, Kickstarter
I've always liked staffs just as melee weapons, not just magic dps, and plays into a monk role nicely. I'm thinking GW2's Acrobat thief specialisation, which I also love playing. Anyone else?


  • I never liked MAGE staffs as melee weapons, but monk type shit is super hype. And im pretty sure in battle royale mode there were staff melee attacks, so you might get your wish with Fighter/Mage or something.

    I wonder if such jumpy class would be possible with their combat vision. Id love to play monk-y evasion tank with a staff if possible.
  • 3Snap3Snap Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Man how cool would that be. A mage/monk hybrid using a mage staff is a melee weapon + spells.
  • I think the Staff is already a melee weapon but it is for casters since it regenerates mana when you do the auto attack chain. In previous streams Margaret was playing Cleric and using the Staff.
  • HiddenDaggerInnHiddenDaggerInn Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    ya like a friar from DAoC would be cool
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