Do you guys like the idea of being able to master more than 1 profession?

Personally I would much prefer being able to truly master only 1 profession and being decent but not expert at others.

I think that this would cause everyone to be needed in some way and also increase the community interaction and interdependence which will in turn result in a much more unique and fulfilling experience (for me atleast).

What I imagine that would be like is a guild specialising in PvE and gathering would go into dungeons kill monsters and get loot, but would have to give it to say a processing based guild to process it who would have to pass it along to a crafting guild who would craft and send it to say a mercenary guild who could handle the defense of the transport caravan.

This would create a next level of complexity and also a new sense and source of tension.

For example, lets say you give a extremely rare resource to a person claiming to be a master in processing profession and he turns out to be from the thieves' guild! How exciting would that be! (not that much if you're the one being robbed, I suppose). This would unlock a whole new depth in the existence of a Thieves' guild or the rogue class I imagine

This would create a need for reputable guilds who have created a name for themselves by their services. You would really not want to give a valuable resource to a rando spamming in the chat.

Being able to master more than 1 profession kind of dampens that in my opinion.

Of course we can't tell until the at least the alpha is out but this is how it looks in my head.

What are your thoughts?


  • CaptnChuckCaptnChuck Member
    edited July 2020
    You see, there are two sides to this coin. On one side, If you make it so that players can only master 1 profession, then it becomes difficult to encounter players of different professions in the world.

    On the other hand, if you allow everyone to master all the professions under a single artisan class, then it becomes way too common to encounter players of a single profession.

    Right now, players can master multiple but NOT ALL professions, under a single artisan class.

    We don't know the exact amount yet, but I think that this is the right way to do it.
  • AstrobinaryAstrobinary Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I LOVE that you will only be able to master 1 profession. I am not a fan of a character that can do it all and pretty much solo any aspect of the game. I enjoy the fact that I would have to go to a master craftsman who specializes in weapons in order to get my special shiny sword. This aspect was a major selling point for me. I generally keep to myself when playing MMOs (weird introvert), but if I need to speak to another player to get something done I will. This system will hopefully break me out and interact with players more often as it should be in an MMO.
  • Personally, I loved the approach of FFXIV, where you can have 1 character and level all classes and professions on it. It takes the same time as levelling alts, but you don't have to switch between multiple characters.
  • Hmm I'm reserving judgement until we see more. While I don't like the idea of mastering so many professions under an artisan class I could see this playing out in more acceptable ways like perhaps some of the gathering skills have ways to allocate skill points that benefit multiple professions like an increase to yield, purity or rare resources. Perhaps a similar case with armour, weapon and blacksmithing. Or we could be underestimating how hard it really is to master a profession and the time+resource expenditure may be more limiting than we think.
  • Aisa Aax wrote: »
    Personally, I loved the approach of FFXIV, where you can have 1 character and level all classes and professions on it. It takes the same time as levelling alts, but you don't have to switch between multiple characters.

    That sounds very single player focused though. AoC is specifically creating these dependencies between players to avoid that. You have to interact with other players to do your thing.
  • WMC51WMC51 Member
    I thought Rift had a good number of things you could master. Still required other players to complete items
  • XenantayaXenantaya Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I'd prefer if each character was limited to 1 profession to encourage player interaction and allow players to really become known for being a master weaver, shipbuilder, etc. But I'm fine if each player can master 2 professions in the same artisan class. I guess I'd be okay with 3, but any more than that and I think you're losing too much of what makes each player unique.
  • While I would like to pile all of my crafting onto one character for ease of use and because I don't like to have to rely on others (what can I say, I like to be self sufficient :) ) I get the Devs vision and reasoning. However I think that being able to master only 1 profession is too limiting and could cause problems because there are too many professions to master.

    I would personally like that expanded a bit. I have read others thoughts on the subject so here's my take on it....

    You will have to earn artisan mastery points through completing certain quests (maybe they would even relate to the craft?). You will get 1 "free" and each successive one will be more difficult to obtain to a max of 6. You would then spend those points on which things you want to master BUT not everything costs the same amount and you can only have 2 masteries in any one area (gathering, processing and crafting).

    Alchemy - 2
    Armor Smith - 2
    Blacksmith - 1
    Carpentry - 1
    Cooking - 1
    Jewel Craft - 3
    Scribe - 2
    Ship Building - 1
    Siege - 1
    Weapon Smith - 2

    Animal Husbandry - 3
    Smelting - 1
    Farming - 1

    Fishing - 1
    Herbalism - 1
    Lumberjack - 1
    Mining - 1
    Taming - 2

    From the list you can see you would have to go earn another artisan point just to do some professions and 2 if you wanted to be a Jeweler. Some professions are naturally more difficult than others imho.

    There should also be some sort of relationship between certain professions and maybe even a cost break (ex. if you had 2 in Taming, maybe Animal Husbandry would cost 1 less). There could even be a bonus to the next step up in the process if you had a related gathering/processing skill (ex if you had mining then you would also get a bonus to smelting and an even further bonus if you had Armor Smithing)

    There should also be some sort of sliding scale allowing you to do all professions to some degree but I'm not sure how that would work exactly. Maybe you would even need to invest artisian points to even somewhat proficient in the more difficult crafts. So you could become fairly good at say Lumberjacking for free but to be even decent at low level Jewelry would still cost a point.

    Just my thoughts on the subject since I don't want to have to have 10+ alts to do most of what I want. :p

    I'm also a bit surprised that the following are missing:

    - Hunting (gathering)
    - Butchery (processing from Hunting)
    - Tanning (processing from Hunting)
    - Weaving / Dying (processing from Herbalism to collect cotton?)
    - Seamstress / Tailor (crafting of cloth / leather goods) I mean who is going to make the robes, the Armor Smith?!

  • I just really want to be able to master Animal Husbandry and Taming
  • MarcetMarcet Member
    Yes, only one, but it should be super hard to master.

    I think its good that very few people is actually master of their craft, so you have to find them and the value would be very high.
  • Only one. If you can do it all by yourself, guilds usually assign 1 people this and then they don't need anyone else.
    No more interaction, you just sink resources into 1 person and that's it.

    Choices matter. If you can choose everything, then you don't really have a choice.
  • AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I just really want to be able to master Animal Husbandry and Taming
    Husband Taming
  • Beekeeper wrote: »
    That sounds very single player focused though. AoC is specifically creating these dependencies between players to avoid that. You have to interact with other players to do your thing.
    Well, tell me, how is it different from me making an alt and levelling the second profession on it? If it takes the same time investment and resource investment - then why would it matter?
    The only difference is literally that you have to log off / log in when switching those professions.
    Or I can have another alt with a battle class I want. If it takes me literally the same time to level up and get my gear - then how is it different if I can simply have the exact same character do that?

    It strongly depends on realization, really.

  • CaptnChuckCaptnChuck Member
    edited July 2020
    This is what Steven said on this topic previously.

    Then, recently, he gave the tree analogy in Asmongold's stream.

    As you master a profession under an artisan class, it allows you to progress in the other professions under that artisan class.

    So the higher you go up the tree (your main profession), the taller the branches (other professions under your artisan class) that you have access to.

    So players can only truly master ONE profession under an artisan tree. They can progress in the others, but they won't be able to master them all.

    Which one is the correct one? Both these analogies have 2 different meanings.
  • I'd rather master 1 thing on a character, but it all depends on how long it takes.

    If takes ages, or if mastering one thing slows down your ability to master another, and it builds upon itself.. I can see it being a fun and rewarding way to stop people from just alt-farming.
  • nanfoodlenanfoodle Member, Founder, Kickstarter
    CaptnChuck wrote: »
    This is what Steven said on this topic previously.

    Then, recently, he gave the tree analogy in Asmongold's stream.

    As you master a profession under an artisan class, it allows you to progress in the other professions under that artisan class.

    So the higher you go up the tree (your main profession), the taller the branches (other professions under your artisan class) that you have access to.

    So players can only truly master ONE profession under an artisan tree. They can progress in the others, but they won't be able to master them all.

    Which one is the correct one? Both these analogies have 2 different meanings.

    I personally like this, I would like to see down the line as people have in place reliance on eachother, that they lets us master a second. But I dont want to see one class the master of all. Need to keep a community.
  • KohlKohl Member
    Aisa Aax wrote: »
    Personally, I loved the approach of FFXIV, where you can have 1 character and level all classes and professions on it. It takes the same time as levelling alts, but you don't have to switch between multiple characters.

    As a ff14 player, that's been playing since ARR, I can say this with complete confidence.
    This sucks.
    Beekeeper wrote: »
    That sounds very single player focused though. AoC is specifically creating these dependencies between players to avoid that. You have to interact with other players to do your thing.

    It doesn't sound. It IS. Furthermore I don't have enough space to hold my fishing baits, much less stuff from the crafting professions. People buy retainers just to expand their inventory. And managing the whole thing is a nightmare.

  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited July 2020
    I personally think that you should be able to master one branch of every major carfting tree on one character, if you invest enormous amounts of time and effort into it.
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