Bracketed instanced pvp

Is there a plan to include some bracketed pvp system?

It seems like that should be a good place for new players to get used to pvp without going through the pain of being horribly outgeared by their opponents. It should also have a good xp reward to make it difficult to gear up a low level alt and just park it at some bracket to stomp on the newbies. This also allows the pvp minded people to level up in pvp which is nice.


  • Drag13Drag13 Member
    Ashes of Creation will include arena and guild ranked pvp systems. Unfortunately I don't know if they will award experience through those systems.
  • AmrianAmrian Member
    But are they level bracketed? As in, level 37 will go into the 30 - 39 bracket instance and never fight level 50 opponents with endgame gear.
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