Node Elections

From what i can see rightnow most elections will be one sided due to the fact that guild can support one of its members to become the Mayor. I dont see anything bad with guild choosing thair candidat but it will provide some major issues.

Economy node:
If a guild has chosen a player to represent them then they WILL give a big amount of guild or members gold to him !!! And as far as i know there will be system that will mark players that got lots of gold or itmes for nothing to interfere gold selling. So there should be system for giving guild gold for election or giving your gold to someone who you want to win, not sure about gold selling in this case (you can buy with real money win in economy node anyway due to gold selling) citizenship ( should prevent it in some cases but i guess there is no way to prevent it from happening atall.

Scientific node:
The same thing with economy node but people will buy votes (Juts like in real life :smiley: )and tbh i dont see issue here. Yeah it will F&?* with gold selling detection system (i dont really know how to name it) but we live like this so nodes can too :p

Divine node:
Pretty simple here the guy that has no life wins... If the quests give advantage to the node and you need to do lots of them to become a Mayor, it shows your dedication to the node. Its pretty fair here the more time you spend on the node - the bigger chans to become mayor.

Military node:
NGL looks unbalanced at all. One one hand you have arena last man standing..(the biggest guild wins) or
An idea currently under consideration is to have players build out a champion that they can then fight in the arena, rather then using their regular characters. These champions can be equipped with gear and skills via quests, along with materials and gold to make the champion stronger.
(from wiki) this system looks pretty balanced but if its still arena last man standing then nothing chaged (the biggest guild wins) and in other case arena 1 v 1 it looks very easy to sabotage a node (yeah citizenship makes it hareder to sabotage but still it takes much less effort that in other nodes) i guess you need to be good in pvp but if you are a guild leader and you whant to sabotage a node of enemy guild so they proggres slower you need only 1 person to do so and not even from different acc (wich is good)

Anyway i really like the idea of mayor.In most cases mayor will be chosen by the guild (not a bad thing. guilds always whant to proggres) and with citizenship mechanic could be really fun and balanced, but gold selling in Scientific and Economy nodes can be tricky to track and thus could lead to really unhappy players.

Ty for reading and sry for bad English.
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