Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
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Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Melee-combat with focus on magic-damage?

I would love to make a character that, while primarily engaging in melee-combat, is focusing on magic-damage.
Question is: would that be possible as melee-classes and weapons are usually having physical-damage and not magical.
Abilities could do magical-damage with augments from magic-classes,
but I would need a Waraxe for example to do magic-damage instead of physical-damage.
Is that possible?
And also would it be viable?
Question is: would that be possible as melee-classes and weapons are usually having physical-damage and not magical.
Abilities could do magical-damage with augments from magic-classes,
but I would need a Waraxe for example to do magic-damage instead of physical-damage.
Is that possible?
And also would it be viable?
We don't know much about Hard Counters at present though, it is also not inconceivable for someone to have PvE based armour/weapons and PvP based armour/weapons.
A crafter might (big might) be is able to adjust a waraxe so that it does magic damage instead of physical.
This feels like kind of a stretch though. I'm pretty sure There will be close range magic builds but not sure if that will include a melee weapon that purely does magic damage. I'd think a mage/fighter might be able to augment spells to have some kind of melee component to them.
Can't say if it would be viable but I'd imagine it would be in situations where magic damage is strong. You need to make sure you have a build/stats that synergizes with magic damage.
EDIT: Ignore me and look at lunarsky's post
Nope, Steven said that there will be no such thing as PvP or PvE gear. However, some sets may have set-passives that are better in PvP or PvE.
I'll be gentle, if you have a passive specced set of armour useful in PvE, then it is your PvE Armour. If you have passive specced set of armour useful in PvP, then its is your PvP Armour. I am well aware the general armour will be PvX, and, I appreciate PvX, however, in terms of crafted and upgraded gear, such gear would be created for a purpose.
Edit: Hell, I could spec/transmog a set of Armour to look like a Dress and stand and dance for hours on end - that would be my Dance Armour.
Either way I hope your right about the close range magic build! (Question: Would it better to have a physical Primary class or a magical Primary class?)
"Horizontal enchantments are more situational. For example: I'd like my sword to do force damage instead of holy damage because the monsters I tend to fight are incorporeal.[4]
This doesn't make the item more powerful, but instead more applicable to different situations, and less so to others."
So it seems like you can get weapons to do certain types of damage via enchants. It will be more or less effective depending on the type of enemy though. So I suppose if you stay ready and carry multiple types of weapons with you so you don't end up trying to kill fire elementals with a fire dmg axe then you'll be OK.
Future Crafting Plans: Herbalism > Alchemy & Scribe or Mining > Metalworking > Jewel cutting (Pending)
I'm not sure but i'm leaning magic primary unless augments can completely change the damage type of skills. A magic primary will also have the stats that support magic damage.
That said, this is just my speculation. Can't really say anything solid until I've played with the system.
They have a QnA today at 11am PST. You might want to try to ask the devs there and see what kind of answer they can give.
EDIT: Lunarsky confirmed what i could not. Sounds like it should be possible.
1. Mage/Fighter|Tank|Bard|Rogue - Go for a melee weapons like a stave, polearm, helbard, or anything similar. Get a crafter to custom build your equipment with high magic damage influencing stats and some endurance.
2. Fighter/Mage - Same as above with the sides switched, if you want to have some more physical abilities early on so that you dont need to depend on mana so much. Go for augments that turns or add magic damage to your skills.
I myself aim for a melee bard build with high crowd controll and magic damage. Never forget, that crafters can influence the stats of their creations!
The classes I consider right now are:
Battlemage? Mage/Fighter
Spellstone? Mage/Tank
Spellsword? Fighter/Mage
Highsword? Fighter/Cleric
(Bard in the mix might be interesting as well)
So basically 2 classes for each approach.
Thing to figure out is what are the pros and cons for the diffrent approaches and in the end which do I like more considering these pros and cons.
I am also working on which weapon I should choose.
I also thought of becoming a bit of a crafter myself for the 1st approach, depending on how the Artisans system will work out in the end.
So you could go Fighter/Mage or Rogue/Mage and have all your skills use elemental augments, and have fire/frost/lightning on all your attacks.
melee magic combo has been done before and been fun, wouldnt mind seeing it myself, maybe something like
Because there isn't very much one all the augments and the spells its pretty difficult to know how the augmented spells would play out.
How melee would a Mage spell with Fighter augment or how magical would a Fighter spell with Mage augment be? If we had more information on that it would be easier to say with approach is better (it could also be that both approaches are viable but the builds would have major differences in fighting styles).
I would guess:
Fighter/Mage (example) would play more like a Warrior class that uses some magic to improve spells.
Mage/Fighter (example) would play more like a Mage class wielding a melee weapon.
In that regard I'd say that melee as primary would be more specialized and mage as primary more flexible in different situations.
Something between a Sorc and a Mystic/Striker (I played Mystic btw) from BDO with way more Weopon usage would probably be my goal. So enchanted weapons (as suggested by lunarsky) with spells that help/damage/cc in close-range, but are still focused on magic effects and damage (this would sound like melee primary I think)(as suggested by some).
If they keep the attack animations, then i would recommend a staff, polearm or helbard.
They have wide swinging animations that track a surprising amount of distance.
It would be really nice if they had something like the Ninja from BDO with magic damage.
I agree with you. I will probably try to have multiple differently enchanted weapons at my disposal (goal) so I can adapt to different situations as lunarsky mentioned. And I think polearms/helebards or staves will definitly be apart of that.
Also the ninja with magic-damage would look awesome too.