Glorious Alpha Two Testers!
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Alpha Two Phase II testing is currently taking place 5+ days each week. More information about testing schedule can be found here
If you have Alpha Two, you can download the game launcher here, and we encourage you to join us on our Official Discord Server for the most up to date testing news.
Suggestion: Multiboxing
As a long time MMO player starting first with Ultima Online in 1998, i have some concerns with the allowance of multiboxing.
As I've played a lot of MMOs without themepark mechanics such as Archeage, Ultima Online, Eve Online etc., i am concerned about how much the system in these kind of games that boosts the owners of multiple accounts.
A lot of people have raised the concern of multiboxing in dungeons, raids or farming spots with all characters doing the same task which tremendously increases the effectiveness of the single owner. That is the problem for example in WoW.
The other concern i have is that multiple account owners in these kind of sandbox games get huge advantages over single account owners with some game mechanics. Here are my some examples which i've experienced in the games i've played about both concerns:
Eve Online: Players can play with multiple accounts in PvP. As the game has kind of slow pvp style, it is easier for the owner to play multiple characters at once. A single player can do things that two or more people can do. Eve online player numbers are so inflated with multiple account owners that it is even difficult to see how many unique players are playing Eve Online in 2020.
Archeage: You can have multiple households, you can spend more labor and gain more gold. It sucked too hard that i quit playing archeage unchained where there was no supposed to be p2w mechanics in the game. Multiboxing is not required for this to work out. However, you can still multibox to increase your gains while farming in addition to this.
Ultima Online:: You can play with your 2 or more accounts at once. Easier to hang around in the game and easier to increase your skills.(improve your character skill points)
These are the examples that come into my mind. Ofcourse i dont know how having multiple accounts or multiboxing will benefit to people in AoC as the game isnt out but it is usually easy to find grey spots in sandbox games where people can easily exploit to gain advantage over time.
My suggestion will require a little bit of continuous work form AoC team. Steven discussed how could they distinguish players working from the same environement from players actually multiboxing.
Step One:
My idea is to let all players know beforehand that if you are to use multiple accounts from one IP address, you report account names to AoC team. (It can be mail address or seperated section in website or while creating account or in account profile, whichever the best).
Step Two:
Have an automated script; banning all accounts by letting them know that they have used multiple account from the same IP address. (for some hours or days). If they are to use multiple accounts from single IP address, report to AoC team with account names. If they continue to do so without reporting, prolong the ban period next time.
Step Three:
Ofcourse people who report their multiple accounts can still do multiboxing. So carefully watch time to time these accounts while they are playing. (That is why i said it is required to be a continuos work.)
I know people can still do it via VPN or some programs but i really would like to have Intrepid studios to have a firm policy regarding multiboxing. At least this way, you will have less people multiboxing as opposed to making it allowed.
What do you guys think ? is it difficult for a company to perform this continous work ? Would love to have your ideas as well.
As I've played a lot of MMOs without themepark mechanics such as Archeage, Ultima Online, Eve Online etc., i am concerned about how much the system in these kind of games that boosts the owners of multiple accounts.
A lot of people have raised the concern of multiboxing in dungeons, raids or farming spots with all characters doing the same task which tremendously increases the effectiveness of the single owner. That is the problem for example in WoW.
The other concern i have is that multiple account owners in these kind of sandbox games get huge advantages over single account owners with some game mechanics. Here are my some examples which i've experienced in the games i've played about both concerns:
Eve Online: Players can play with multiple accounts in PvP. As the game has kind of slow pvp style, it is easier for the owner to play multiple characters at once. A single player can do things that two or more people can do. Eve online player numbers are so inflated with multiple account owners that it is even difficult to see how many unique players are playing Eve Online in 2020.
Archeage: You can have multiple households, you can spend more labor and gain more gold. It sucked too hard that i quit playing archeage unchained where there was no supposed to be p2w mechanics in the game. Multiboxing is not required for this to work out. However, you can still multibox to increase your gains while farming in addition to this.
Ultima Online:: You can play with your 2 or more accounts at once. Easier to hang around in the game and easier to increase your skills.(improve your character skill points)
These are the examples that come into my mind. Ofcourse i dont know how having multiple accounts or multiboxing will benefit to people in AoC as the game isnt out but it is usually easy to find grey spots in sandbox games where people can easily exploit to gain advantage over time.
My suggestion will require a little bit of continuous work form AoC team. Steven discussed how could they distinguish players working from the same environement from players actually multiboxing.
Step One:
My idea is to let all players know beforehand that if you are to use multiple accounts from one IP address, you report account names to AoC team. (It can be mail address or seperated section in website or while creating account or in account profile, whichever the best).
Step Two:
Have an automated script; banning all accounts by letting them know that they have used multiple account from the same IP address. (for some hours or days). If they are to use multiple accounts from single IP address, report to AoC team with account names. If they continue to do so without reporting, prolong the ban period next time.
Step Three:
Ofcourse people who report their multiple accounts can still do multiboxing. So carefully watch time to time these accounts while they are playing. (That is why i said it is required to be a continuos work.)
I know people can still do it via VPN or some programs but i really would like to have Intrepid studios to have a firm policy regarding multiboxing. At least this way, you will have less people multiboxing as opposed to making it allowed.
What do you guys think ? is it difficult for a company to perform this continous work ? Would love to have your ideas as well.
Delete this. 400 mtiboxing threads is enough.
What part of you cant stop it anyways dont people understand
What you describe here is botting, not multiboxing. It is not allowed in any game other than WoW.
Automated Characters/Scripted Characters/Macro'd Characters will get you banned.
Edit: Minimal Macros are allowed, but, what minimal means we aren't so sure...
Stop confusing botting, scripting, and plain cheating with multiboxing.
You want to delegate shitloads of work to intrepid on growing households.
The number of players from the same IP is dynamic. What about internet cafe? Should they constantly report to Intrepid each time they add additional PC to their business?
A person who can really handle two PC's in the same time, and fight with 2 characters at the same time, should be considered skill, not cheating. However I can't see this happening in AoC. Especially since the combat is at a quicker tempo.
It is entirely unreasonable for a game of this size to do this with any sort of consistency.
P99 has trouble doing it for their ~1000 players.