IDEA: Level-up effects becoming more extravagant the higher your level?

During the Dev update today Steven and Co. talked briefly about the level up particle effects, and Steven mentioned how important it was to him that achieving a level "especially at higher levels" was a memorable/iconic experience for players.

So my question to the Devs, and to the rest of the community is this; what do you think about having level-up effects that become more and more glorious and memorable as you increase in level. Say, every 10 levels or so, the level up animation could have one or two added effects to make it just a bit more extravagant and memorable. This way you REALLY get that dopamine hit when you finally reach that milestones; especially at higher levels!


  • giphy.gif
  • bloodprophetbloodprophet Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Adding points into a skill to make it better and change the animation I like it.
    Most people never listen. They are just waiting on you to quit making noise so they can.
  • AtamaAtama Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    I don’t generally care how loud the DING is, it’s the level itself and the rewards that come that I care about.

    I’d be okay if I just got a line of text in the chat window and no other notification.
  • HansrutgerHansrutger Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    I wouldn't put too much effort into it to be honest. It would be cool but also it's just something you will see 49 times.
  • NoaaniNoaani Member, Intrepid Pack
    edited August 2020
    This is honestly something I literally could not care less about.

    If you want me to consider leveling up to be something special, make sure that the abilities I get access to are worth having.
  • WiplasherWiplasher Member, Phoenix Initiative, Royalty
    edited August 2020
    noaani wrote: »
    This is honestly something I literally cound not care less about.

    If you want me to consider leveling up to be something special, make sure that the abilities I get access to are worth having.

    Wholeheartedly agree. Maybe something cool at max level? But I have so many things on my "lets figure this out list".
  • I personally think it's an awesome feature and look forward to the final iterations of the animation.

    Looks great so far!
  • Over1anderOver1ander Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Could be something cool, depends on how tough it will be to get max level.
  • As the audio wasn't present in the showcase last dev update, I'm hoping on a loud DING followed by the local wildlife chanting "gz!, gz!, gz!" as you strut by with your chest poked out.
    Maybe for emphasis it could be a loud airhorn when you reach 50, idk.
  • NagashNagash Member, Leader of Men, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    noaani wrote: »
    This is honestly something I literally could not care less about.

    If you want me to consider leveling up to be something special, make sure that the abilities I get access to are worth having.

    You have an avatar ^^

    The dead do not squabble as this land’s rulers do. The dead have no desires, petty jealousies or ambitions. A world of the dead is a world at peace
  • I like the idea!
    It would be intresting to see how it looks if they for example increase the radius of the effect and a richer sound effect for every level.
  • DamoklesDamokles Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    edited August 2020
  • Potato BasketPotato Basket Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    What if it would be a cosmetic you can buy with different effects
  • ninfosho wrote: »
    What if it would be a cosmetic you can buy with different effects

  • LuthienstormLuthienstorm Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Rube wrote: »
    During the Dev update today Steven and Co. talked briefly about the level up particle effects, and Steven mentioned how important it was to him that achieving a level "especially at higher levels" was a memorable/iconic experience for players.

    So my question to the Devs, and to the rest of the community is this; what do you think about having level-up effects that become more and more glorious and memorable as you increase in level. Say, every 10 levels or so, the level up animation could have one or two added effects to make it just a bit more extravagant and memorable. This way you REALLY get that dopamine hit when you finally reach that milestones; especially at higher levels!

    I am not so interested in the aesthetic, however the desire for leveling up to become an extra game mechanic would be interesting. In older games a player could choose when to level up and this would reset their health/mana so players would choose to level up during combat to extend their combat capability just like a TV show where the protagonist would extend their own limitations. Perhaps at lvl 9, 19, 29, 39, and 49. At every experience bar a different ability has a 10% chance to proc at one lvl higher. It gives players a chance of seeing what they'll become and adds a mini-game experience to those who wish to maximize their combat capability.
  • Hansrutger wrote: »
    I wouldn't put too much effort into it to be honest. It would be cool but also it's just something you will see 49 times.

    Max level should throw confetti at the screen. Seriously though Max-level-specific ding could have special attention since it's truly the biggest levelup
  • KhronusKhronus Member, Alpha One, Adventurer
    Rube wrote: »
    what do you think about having level-up effects that become more and more glorious and memorable as you increase in level.

    This is a terrible idea. What is the point? Memorable flash of light and particle effects? I would think focusing on things that will actually help the game to release would be ideal instead.
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