Inventory management

Greetings traveler,

I'm curious if you have any specific plans on inventory management yet. As I played through the vast amount of MMORPGs, only a couple of them had good inventory management. By IM I mean - equipment set management, special slots for equipment, craftables, materials, GOOD automatic ordering. I even came across games that did not implement SHIFT+Click, CTRL+Click, the easy stack splits, etc.

In my eyes it's very important to have these quality of life features. For example,.. Path of Exile is an excellent game that handles a lot of stuff correctly. BUT the inventory is still lacking features that a big portion of the players desire. In the next couple patches, GGG will therefore finally introduce automatic sorting into the stash.

I don't know if you already have plans but it would probably be great to hear about them...

best regards,
a fan


  • Agree! And I'm also curious about bag expansion, knowing that this will not be in the cash shop. Will expansion be in the form of bags (like in GW2) or through quest rewards, or possibly through a new innovative system.

    Currently the inventory from the video today gave a first impression of having too small an interface. to differentiate between the items in the bag, one would probably have to mouse over each individual icon, and the icons are hardly discernible due to their size, and all being the same color.
  • darthadendarthaden Member, Braver of Worlds, Kickstarter, Alpha One
    Steven has said you can expand your inventory playing the game. There is no paid inventory expansion. We also know quest items will not take up inventory space. That's all I'm aware of that's been discussed in terms of inventory to date.I'm sure we'll find out more in the coming months during the alpha tests.
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